

Retired 23 years
My daughter had a fake ID while in college. Does that count?

There is a certain time period from when you are about 16 until you turn 21 that it don't count. EVERYONE tries to add age to their ID. It used to be real easy and there were always places that never seemed to care if they served minors. I hung out with a friend who was one of those kids who looked older and he would buy us beer when he was 15 at one place in town that was ran by a little old lady who looked to be about a 100. God rest your soul Mrs. Zerke--you made a lot of kids happy.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Humans have been slaughtering other humans since they evolved from apes. Some things will never change.
A large percentage of atheist and evolutionist see nothing wrong with killing the unborn because they lack the natural love of the sanctity of life because of their position on the origin of life coming from pond scum.


Inordinately Right
A large percentage of atheist and evolutionist see nothing wrong with killing the unborn because they lack the natural love of the sanctity of life because of their position on the origin of life coming from pond scum.
You are admitting your view on abortion is based on your personal religious beliefs.

You can't force those beliefs on others.

Frankie's Friend

Humans have been slaughtering other humans since they evolved from apes. Some things will never change.
When did apes stop evolving into human beings?

Are there any ape/men present to observe or only apes and humans as we can separately see today?
Where is the ever evolving hybrid human being that we can observe?

How many apes are lining up at abortion clinics to kill their children?

These (idiotic) assertions are a diversion.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
When did apes stop evolving into human beings?

Are there any ape/men present to observe or only apes and humans as we can separately see today?
Where is the ever evolving hybrid human being that we can observe?

How many apes are lining up at abortion clinics to kill their children?

These (idiotic) assertions are a diversion.
That’s not how evolution works. Making anti-science rants is not a very convincing argument for anything.