

Well-Known Member
Read out loud to any one of your close friends what you wrote. You might be surprised what kind of expression is on their face when you finish. - It sounds to me that you think it is more humane to murder an unborn child if you can't afford to feed "it". And please don't forget... "it" is not an "it".

Your sarcasm of "little precious Heavenly baby" is disgusting. You don't get it now but you will get it when you meet your Maker. God have mercy on your soul! (and I am not particularly religious...)

So the folks on the right want to save the unborn children in the name of God? But then the SAME folks on the right want to shut down the government and eliminate any aid or help to millions of poor people in America all in the name of the almighty dollar? WE ALL KNOW HOW MUCH REPUBLICANS HATE PAYING TAXES TO HELP THOSE IN NEED.

YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS MY FRIEND. I know God gets my point. He helped me create it.



Well-Known Troll
Why is the waiting list so long for newborns ???

People wait for years.

My wife and I have been trying for years to have any number of children, and it's EXTREMELY frustrating. Yet, these liberal morons go and screw other liberal morons without wearing condoms (Cause ain't nobody got time for that), get pregnant and then end the pregnancy. They so quickly and easily snuff out that which others pray for and spend tens of thousands of dollars on, just because they can't afford it.

Here's an idea, you bunch of friend'ing Canadians keep your friend'ing legs closed until you get off food stamps and can afford to raise your child.

Now, back to the comparison of Abortion vs. Death penalty. I have to agree with island, abortion is the ending of a life which is for no other reason, than you don't WANT the baby. The death penalty rewards cowardly pieces of S/@* with being removed from the face of the earth for their especially horrific crimes. You take a life, without it being for self preservation, then at that instance you cease to be a contributing/healthy member of society and become a piece of S/@*.

I am religious, but shocker, am also a free thinking person. So I am able to have my own opinions :D


Amatuer Malthusian
My wife and I have been trying for years to have any number of children, and it's EXTREMELY frustrating. Yet, these liberal morons go and screw other liberal morons without wearing condoms (Cause ain't nobody got time for that), get pregnant and then end the pregnancy. They so quickly and easily snuff out that which others pray for and spend tens of thousands of dollars on, just because they can't afford it.

Here's an idea, you bunch of friend'ing Canadians keep your friend'ing legs closed until you get off food stamps and can afford to raise your child.

Now, back to the comparison of Abortion vs. Death penalty. I have to agree with island, abortion is the ending of a life which is for no other reason, than you don't WANT the baby. The death penalty rewards cowardly pieces of S/@* with being removed from the face of the earth for their especially horrific crimes. You take a life, without it being for self preservation, then at that instance you cease to be a contributing/healthy member of society and become a piece of S/@*.

I am religious, but shocker, am also a free thinking person. So I am able to have my own opinions :D

Hang in there. It seems being ignorant and poor makes you very fertile. The adoption process is a frustrating one.


Inordinately Right
There's no confusion.......anti abortion
pro death penalty(that's the self-preservation part) That's my take on it.

Don't think so hard.......college can be a real albatross huh?
What part of the death penalty is self-preservation? They're already in prison.
What does college have to do with anything?
Try to think a little harder.


Well-Known Member
A very simple question :

What did the life in the womb do to receive the death penalty ???

What did the Murderer do to receive the death penalty ???

I know that is way too difficult to figure out.

On one hand the libs cry and scream that the prisons are overcrowded --now they want scum like the Boston Bomber --to receive free food, housing, medical benefits, sex changes, weight rooms, cable tv etc etc --for 80 or 90 years --sure --that makes sense ---
of course that just fits in with the way the LAZY are taken care of --same mind set !!:happy-very:


Inordinately Right
A very simple question :

What did the life in the womb do to receive the death penalty ???

What did the Murderer do to receive the death penalty ???

I know that is way too difficult to figure out.

On one hand the libs cry and scream that the prisons are overcrowded --now they want scum like the Boston Bomber --to receive free food, housing, medical benefits, sex changes, weight rooms, cable tv etc etc --for 80 or 90 years --sure --that makes sense ---
of course that just fits in with the way the LAZY are taken care of --same mind set !!:happy-very:
The baby did nothing to receive death..... I'm against abortion.
I'm also against the death penalty, seems like common sense to me.
The sanctity of life is not up for interpretation in my book.


Well-Known Troll
The baby did nothing to receive death..... I'm against abortion.
I'm also against the death penalty, seems like common sense to me.
The sanctity of life is not up for interpretation in my book.

So if doing wrong is your basis for the right to receive death, then what do you suggest for the piece of crap who bombed the Boston marathon? Life in prison where we've all got to support him? Save money, and when they are found guilty of capital murder, don't give them life, don't grant them endless appeals. No expensive drug cocktails that are "cruel and unusual" and are painful.

One bullet to the back of the head. Easy Peezy, Lemon Squeezy.


Well-Known Troll
Ya I'm sure if they were millionaires they'd probably get an abortion.

The caliber of women and I use the W term VERY loosely (coincidentally as loose as their lady parts) don't do it cause of money, they do it because at the time they don't want the kid. Read: They're whores.

Also, your logic of it being about $$, than if you can't afford it, don't friend guys without a condom. If you have no money, tell me what costs less. An abortion, or a MF'ing condom?!?!

These people are ruining our country. Although , on the flip side.....if you abort your wannabe thug baby who will be gunned down over drugs when he's 15, you save the system thousands of dollars wasting room in prison for that loser who will never get his act together