
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Your funny rating is noted @It will be fine, you just dealt with me. You have a future appointment to deal with your judge. I promise, on good information, he knows the precise moment your last breath will be. Why shouldn't he, he holds it in his hand. Being cocky on politics leads to fun exchanges, being cocky to God leads to salvation frequently. I welcome all new brothers and sisters in Christ, whosoever will, that is who the invitation goes out to.
If your behavior is indicative of or excused by your god, I’ll pass. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If your behavior is indicative of or excused by your god, I’ll pass. Thanks.
Your choice. Not to stick up for myself, but you have no idea of my behavior, and what you still cannot comprehend is, my God does not excuse it, he sent His own Son to die for it.. me. He did the same for you. Pass on it, no sweat off my back, I didn't die in your place. I just enjoy spreading good news every once and a while to a nasty person like me.
It's all on you till you place it on Him. He's asking for you to place it on him.

Matthew 11:28-29 King James Version (KJV)
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

He rested me.


Staff member
My only talk is I'm a sinner, a forgiven sinner. I couldn't walk the walk you prescribe, my Lord had to do it for me to make me presentable to His Father. When I trusted his finished work solely, his father became my father. I'm sorry if that does not satisfy you or anyone else for that matter, but that is truth.

Jesus, The Christ, The Son of the living God, surrendered his life for me, my sins past, present and future. The proof that God was satisfied with His work was confirmed by His resurrection from the dead and He is alive for evermore. I'm saved by grace through faith. That is the Gospel.
My walk is giving all glory and honor to my saviour for loving and giving himself for me.
I'm sure if he did it for a despicable person like me, the same would be offered to a fine person as yourself and all other fine people.

You know. For this being a forum for a bunch of "dumb truck drivers", there are some people here who've got quite a way with words.

Made my Saturday morning better. Thanks. :)


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You pointed to violence in the Quran, and said peaceful Muslims are either hypocrites or lying in wait to commit violence.
We're both familiar with the violence in the old testament. I made a point that your logic says Jews are either hypocrites or lying in wait to commit violence.
Then you started dancing away from your nonsense. Not surprised.
The violence in the OT was for a limited purpose and limited time and select nations . Jews recognize this has been fulfilled and accomplished.
Not so for the Muslims. The quotes in the Quran are against all nations and all people for all time who do not convert and bow to allah.


Inordinately Right
You'd be surprised what I do for my fellow man.


Staff member
Did I say it was written to them?

The old testament is part of christians' scripture. Open your bible, it's in the front.

Hope this helps.

Christians: Killed people hundreds of years ago. Stopped killing people hundreds of years ago.
Muslims: Killed people hundreds of years ago. Still killing people.

Are you so utterly dense that you can't see the difference???