I always over report, I remember UPS before, and I work there now. I show scratches done by reload, they say what scratch, If I did it it would be accident. But I still do it. In the world of anograms it is CMA.
Grass is all a matter of how the person cares for it, if you care for it as TIEGUY, its a matter of you hurt something that most likely will not recover this yr, and to some people that is big.
If you drive over a yard in the hood, no one even notices as they do not generally even mow. The difference is the difference between 400,000 dollar homes and 4,000 dollar homes. Either way, I just walk it. I have one house way back, I would say 1/5 mile, the owner says drive it, I say nope, walking it. Ive seen drivers back in to turn around in places, I go around the block. I only back if I have to, and a driveway isnt one of the better places I choose. Ive seen too many people get ripped for driveway accidents when the concrete breaks, the bumper drags or the asphalt is hot and you leave a track. Grab your dolly, your drink and your favorite weapon, of choice if you dont know whats back there and walk it. If its a new route for you scope it out so you will know for next time, this time you eat the time. Better to be safe than accident. And if you get attacked by animals on premises, you will get comp and own a new house