You know. This bothered me a bit. We've had telematics in our center for about 4 months now. I've been running my route clean, 99% by the book and run .30-.40 over, stress free with no problems. I have a routine, a tight schedule, I'm on time everywhere I go. Run my route, at 13:45 every day I stop at the same place and eat lunch, sort my truck at the same place every day, all is well.
I walk in Monday, punch in and go to the PCM, I'm refreshed from the weekend, I'm truely in a good mood and ready to work, ready to do a good job for them and make my customers happy, yada yada. After PCM I'm called into the office with a steward.
I was accused of stealing time, this and that and it wont be tolerated. I will be terminated for stealing the next time this happens.
Apparently, they've been studying telematics data but just this week started "using" it.
On road: "Your last stop was 13:43, than we showed you traveled .2 miles and stopped for lunch but punched out at 13:45"
Me: "And ?"
On road: "You stole that 2 minutes, you are to punch out as soon as you stop complete your last stop, and you dont punch back in till youre at your next stop scanning packages"
A more condescending tone than usual. He tells me not to act like I never knew this, than talked to me like I'm a 5 year old.
On road: "Than you punched back in from lunch at 14:45 and you didnt complete your next delivery till 14:58, thats 13 minutes!"
me: "I come out of lunch and go through the car and resort it checking for misloads and biz in my resis, like I'm told to do before 15:00 every day, this is also how we do the route when you ride with me"
On Road: "Thats not how we do it around here, sort as you go, no need to stop and go through the car, you're taking extra lunch time, dont you understand we can see where you are and what you're doing now ? You're stealing time and now we see it"
So today I finish my last stop at 13:44, punch out to lunch at 13:45, finish lunch at 14:45, and punch back in at my next stop at 14:49. By the way, this is driving and a traffic light I would've had to drive through whether I stopped there for lunch or not. Anyways, I work my way delivering across town, get to the furthest point from where lunch was at and at 16:21 I found a misloaded saver in the 7000 section. However I'm now doing all my heavy pickups across town, I get through the pickups and get back across town and deliver it at 16:50, at least it made service. Funny thing is, it was right next door to where I eat lunch and I could've walked the damn thing over while sorting out the car like I've done every day for years without a single problem.
So I get in tonight and I'm accused of again stealing time and miles by driving across town to deliver saver, than talked to like I'm a 5 year old, and he wants to know why I didnt stop before 15:00 to go through the car like I was instructed to do

Than I missed an OCA commit time (still picked up) going back out to where I was to continue (late) scheduled pickups. Was told I'm receiving a warning letter for the stolen time and late saver. They're being this unreasonable with many others, it's not just me.
Soooo... I went from .40-.50 over doing it the way I've been doing it for almost a decade, to .80-.90 over by not going back through the truck and sorting as I go all day long.
I will continue to smile and let them pad my paycheck with their absolute incompetance.