I don't want to be put in the position of trying to defend Kennedy. I have a lot of gripes with him, but he's not my Senator, so my gripes are meaningless.
It does appear you did try to defend Sir Edward from Maathas Vinyaaad.
In fact, most of the current crop of Dem's are spineless weasels, which puts them a couple of steps above the Repubs, IMO.
wow pretty harsh , even I would not call all of them spineless.
I take it that you would have every member of all three branches of the government adhere by a particular standard, yet to be determined? Pie in the sky, I say! I dare you to get rid of every politician in your state that called a Black man a n****r; see, it can't be done.
Your point is realistically a stretch. The point Wkmac made was not to purge all politicians who have used offensive terminology but the irony of having one senator who was a grand wizard of the KKK challenge another on bigotry.
Whether you agree with Kennedy or not, he was the only Senator that actually tried to make Alito answer tough questions. Alito dodged every question, IMO, and that alone should preclude him from a seat on the SCOTUS.
No offense but pretty weak argument. Kennedy's challenge was below the belt. Good decent people have a right to be considered for prominent positions in office without having their hard earned reputations smeared. Could you imagine going to a job interview and having someone accuse you of being a liar or racial bigot as part of the interview process? That's basically what happens here.
It seem to be the way of the ruling party, that whenever anyone questions a choice that they make, they attack the messenger, rather than the message. It happened to McCain in Carolina, it happened to Gore, it happened to Kerry, and now Murtha is being attacked, never mind Kennedy, he's an easy target.
this is not a monarchy and there really is no ruling party. The minority party can make their challenges without trying to destroy someones reputation. Kennedy who has a walk in closet full of skeletons was wrong.
I would hope, in my country, that an elected representative would attempt to bring the voice and concerns of his constituents into the record, regardless of their personal belief or background.
Are you kidding Susan? Since when did Kennedy determine that the public wants him to deceitfully destroy a mans reputation for political gain. Show me that poll.
This is what Kennedy did. If you wish to attack the man, attack him on his blocking of windmills off Cape Cod, not for asking tough questions of a potential Supreme Court Judge, who will shape our laws for generations.
tough questions?
I stand by my statement that different rules should apply between elected officials and appointed for life judges.
Those appointed should waive their rights to common decency and respect?
In the end, Alito will be confirmed, and Executive powers will increase. Heaven help us if Hillary gets elected!
I'm sure Hillary being elected is the least of your concerns.
BTW---Try and file a FOIA request to see if you've been spied on illegally by the present administration. I think you'll find the results interesting.
Or stalked by a message board psycho?