Anonymous Coward
I too feel that abortion = murder. I do not believe that the abolishion of legalized abortion is in any way telling a woman what she can or can not do with her own body. That is just a line the promurders like to use beacuse it encites emotion in people. No one tells a woman to get pregnant with a child that she does not want to carry. It is not some sort of accident, it is a choice that she makes free and clear in 99.9% of all pregnancies. I think that if there were no legalized abortion options in this country, there would be a dramitic drop in "unwanted" pregnancies.
I too feel that abortion = murder. I do not believe that the abolishion of legalized abortion is in any way telling a woman what she can or can not do with her own body. That is just a line the promurders like to use beacuse it encites emotion in people. No one tells a woman to get pregnant with a child that she does not want to carry. It is not some sort of accident, it is a choice that she makes free and clear in 99.9% of all pregnancies. I think that if there were no legalized abortion options in this country, there would be a dramitic drop in "unwanted" pregnancies.