Well-Known Member
Again, I responded to your hostile anti-management advice given to a 10 day employee. Sounds like they're trying to train a productive employee and he had some questions about it. Your immediate assumption that he was being harassed and manipulated was typical of an employee who has his own issues.If there not harassing you and manipulating your brain into thinking your not working fast enough then there not doing their job.They are FOCKERIZING you(like the movie).Just work at a safe steady pace.

In America I have a right to disagree with certain managerial tactics as long as you work with integrity.You might see it as"you can't do your job".. I see it as a sign of weakness and vulnerabilty and allowing yourself to be taken advantage of .
I never said you can't disagree. In fact the last line of my previous post said if he was having trouble with his sup to talk with his steward.
You're actually using your own argument against yourself by trying to munipulate the expectations of a new employee by having him think all management will kick his

We'll all glad to hear you don't have any problems,however, many other hourly employees share the same views as I concerning harassment and abuse.We all wear brown,however ,some of us don't like it on our noses.
Nice!! I guess I wear brown on my nose because I do my job. How clever! Again, I never said I don't have problems.
Your advice to Towely I found to be slanted based on your own problems which are evident by your advice to a new employee. I'm not saying there are not many issues that have to be worked out in the work place, I'm saying that as a new employee maybe Towely would have a better shot at being successful by not thinking that all management it out to get him. Sometimes it's hard to admit but there are some good management people out there and most of them work pretty hard too.
Diesel, just maybe it's time for your TLA!!

Good luck Towely