amazon and saturdays?


Well-Known Member
In our center we will be cutting Mondays to about 35-37 routes. They will all be brand new routes, and cover a larger area with more pickups.

Monday trips will be anywhere from 10.5 to 12 dispatch. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday will be normal operations to avoid 9.5 Grievances. Friday will be massive pickups.

Saturday will be a normal day, but in the beginning they just be delivering Residential, unless commercial stops request delivery of bulk/grounds.

Friday night into Saturday morning they will begin loading the trips for Saturday, and 80% of the trips for Monday to avoid any workers from working into Sunday. Monday mornings the trips will be finished loading and be a majority of commercial.
If this is true every 1 of my 8hr request will be on Mondays.

And how can they make new routes when people already have a bid routes. Ups is going to have to commit tons of contract violations for this to when work.

What is the % they have to stick to when adjust your route from what you bid? 60%?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
If this is true every 1 of my 8hr request will be on Mondays.

And how can they make new routes when people already have a bid routes. Ups is going to have to commit tons of contract violations for this to when work.

What is the % they have to stick to when adjust your route from what you bid? 60%?
Exactly. The union will have a huge say in how this is implemented whether ups likes it or not. There is change of operations language and such. Ups will have to go back to some type of negotiations with the union on this.

If it's being phased in like some are saying on here then it will be a mess and you'll see 100% participating in the 9/5 list.

Remember when they raised the weight limit without consulting the union and we went on strike for that one day??

Expect that.


Active Member
Saturday drivers will be out of a job, probably offered loading jobs, some might be offered full time driving positions. In our Center we bid on start times, not specific routes.

The guy put in charge of implementing the new work week is in way over his head. I keep talking to him about it and he keeps saying it will be a positive outcome. I highly highly doubt it. Also I'm pretty sure they already met with the Union, if you think they are going to fight this you must have been sleeping since 2013.


Well-Known Member
Saturday drivers will be out of a job, probably offered loading jobs, some might be offered full time driving positions. In our Center we bid on start times, not specific routes.

The guy put in charge of implementing the new work week is in way over his head. I keep talking to him about it and he keeps saying it will be a positive outcome. I highly highly doubt it. Also I'm pretty sure they already met with the Union, if you think they are going to fight this you must have been sleeping since 2013.
We currently bid routes so there is no way this can work under the contract agreement. ups can think and do whatever they want but this idea is not how stuff work.

An arbitrator would have a field day with ups.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Saturday drivers will be out of a job, probably offered loading jobs, some might be offered full time driving positions. In our Center we bid on start times, not specific routes.

The guy put in charge of implementing the new work week is in way over his head. I keep talking to him about it and he keeps saying it will be a positive outcome. I highly highly doubt it. Also I'm pretty sure they already met with the Union, if you think they are going to fight this you must have been sleeping since 2013.
No but if they expect an easy pass of the 2018 contact they are morons.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
So in most areas 10+ years before you become a full scale driver now another 10+ added to that before you get weekends off. Lol this is gonna be fun.


Active Member
The Union Reps have already met with UPS. The Union of course is on board, why wouldn't they be.

Yes, Mondays will be hell on Earth. A majority of commercial, some resis. With routes cut and 20+ drivers off they will have to consolidate routes, businesses and pickups. They will plan Orion around putting retail businesses that stay open late to be delivered after industrial parks and office buildings that close at 5. Pick ups will be done normally, maybe some pushed back, and then retail stores and houses delivered in the evening. This will create an 11-12 hour dispatch on Mondays.

So in the beginning the Monday to Friday work groups will be the ones getting screwed. Since Saturday will mainly be residentials and very very spread out.


Well-Known Member
The Union Reps have already met with UPS. The Union of course is on board, why wouldn't they be.

Yes, Mondays will be hell on Earth. A majority of commercial, some resis. With routes cut and 20+ drivers off they will have to consolidate routes, businesses and pickups. They will plan Orion around putting retail businesses that stay open late to be delivered after industrial parks and office buildings that close at 5. Pick ups will be done normally, maybe some pushed back, and then retail stores and houses delivered in the evening. This will create an 11-12 hour dispatch on Mondays.

So in the beginning the Monday to Friday work groups will be the ones getting screwed. Since Saturday will mainly be residentials and very very spread out.
The people getting screwed will be ups when we file on them for obviously piling on work, and bring back business misses.

Last but not least the customer will get screwed. My customers open late don't have a receiving crew late. Not to mention places like hotels which operate in the same, once the package guy/lady leaves that's it for the day. That missed IMHO. Same for resturaints, they are not gonna open their back door and receive packages during dinner times. Another step in looking out for the 1 package resi customer and spitting in the face of our meat and potato business customers.
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Orion inc.

I like turtles
Saturday drivers will be out of a job, probably offered loading jobs, some might be offered full time driving positions. In our Center we bid on start times, not specific routes.

The guy put in charge of implementing the new work week is in way over his head. I keep talking to him about it and he keeps saying it will be a positive outcome. I highly highly doubt it. Also I'm pretty sure they already met with the Union, if you think they are going to fight this you must have been sleeping since 2013.
Do you know for a fact that they've met with the union?? Because it sounds like they haven't. You're talking about processes here that will violate the master and supplements. This type of change requires them to go back through the negotiating process or the grievance procedure.

All your posts sound very very vague. It sounds like your center is a "test case". I'm sure it's not the final way. Ups would lose too much money implementing the things you've stated. They're not in the business of losing money just to have volume

Orion inc.

I like turtles
The Union Reps have already met with UPS. The Union of course is on board, why wouldn't they be.

Yes, Mondays will be hell on Earth. A majority of commercial, some resis. With routes cut and 20+ drivers off they will have to consolidate routes, businesses and pickups. They will plan Orion around putting retail businesses that stay open late to be delivered after industrial parks and office buildings that close at 5. Pick ups will be done normally, maybe some pushed back, and then retail stores and houses delivered in the evening. This will create an 11-12 hour dispatch on Mondays.

So in the beginning the Monday to Friday work groups will be the ones getting screwed. Since Saturday will mainly be residentials and very very spread out.
Really??? So the national has met with ups over this and they're ok with completely gutting the master and supplements???

You have some very vague information for someone who completely knows how this is going down.