America the Beautiful


Well-Known Member
Throwing your vote away to a third party candidate is an idiotic way to try and draw a line in the sand. Nobody gives a rip if you voted for one of the dummies you always quote and the change you seek will never come from supporting them.
Zub is right. at this point w the dems u can do strategic if its a close race or protest and do 3rd party bc they sold out 30 yrs ago

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If they get enough votes they get to be on the ballot automatically and get into debates. If you keep voting for the same people, nothing is sure to ever change.

I voted for Tulsi in the Democratic primary with that goal in mind. But we’re talking about third party candidates here.


Well-Known Member
You think Trump should still be President because the Democrats were mean to Tulsi?
Biden has demonstrated why Trump should be president. Afghanistan, the border, energy, the economy. Voters are getting a clear comparison with what Trump was doing compared to Biden. Trump looks better every day.


Well-Known Member

Every time I hear this song it brings tears to my eyes. I’m proud to be an American. Does she have her flaws and is not perfect? Yes. But our country has been a beacon for the world for many years, regardless. People die every day to try to get here from other countries. Most of them come to start a new life with the advantages afforded here that are unavailable from where they came. Others come here for the freedoms we take for granted. Freedoms that over a million Americans and want to be Americans have died for, and many, many others fought for. Saying that, it makes me so sad to read an article like this. It also scares me. Despite the struggles that our country has gone through from within or without, the one thing that always brought us back together was our patriotism and love for this country and what it stands for. What will happen down the road when all these Americans are ashamed to be Americans?

Simple, sentimental and dreadfully on-the-nose.

Yeah, I can see why the song is so popular at Trump rallies.


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, other countries with multiple parties are in even worse shape than the US. Maybe we should abolish political parties altogether.
Yes, we should have cults of personality around which everything is organized. Has worked well in communist countries I hear.


Well-Known Member

I don’t agree with a lot of things Bill Maher says, but he is 100% accurate on this. The woke, America haters have no clue how good we have it here in comparison to most of the world.
Bill Maher is a person who once used his show, with Nancy Pelosi's daughter fliming, to make fun of poor people. It was a cruel and irresponsible thing to do, and I was done with the show. I want to say this was back in 2011-2012. He has always had this anti-muslim thing. I remember he said he didn't want women who praticed Islam to wear burqas in America. He has always had this anti-feminism thing. I remember him saying something ridiculous years ago like it is politically incorrect to be a male and he blamed this on feminism. So he just combined those two things with pretending he cares about the plight of Afghanistan women or that "liberals" don't care about the plight of women in Afghanistan, it is a wholly made up argument he is attributing to the imaginary "liberals" in his head.