What I dont get is .....why is cash for clunkers a good idea? What about the poor people who some say they care so much about? Do you think everyone can afford to go buy a new car? No, Ive been there I bought clunkers, and I bought parts to fix the clunkers, to get on my feet. What about the poor people who have no jobs and no money, yet need to get to the doctor? (hint hint, the truly needy already are covered with health insurance, its called medicaid and medicare) There will be no clunkers to buy or parts to fix them when they take a crap. So tell them to take a bus? What if they live in a rural area? Oh I get it, we should just all move to the cities and live close to everything. UH, it takes money to move, and a clunker to get there.
How is this a good idea for the environment? All that freon, in those cars, those clunkers? I saw a dealership today with all the clunkers outside, and they looked like middle class vehicles to me. And now the cost of a used car which could be considered a clunker, is 10% higher. Its only not a clunker for whatever reason, but still on the list for sale.
Why not just give everyone their money back, quit trying to hurt the country.
The people you see around the country drive the clunkers to the grocery store on the 1st, to the doc, to the drug store. The ones who scam the so well run welfare system, are the ones who run to the store on the 1st in the caddys, and new cars. Not the true poor.
Oh wait I get it, kill the true poor, by judging their worthfulness. Keep the masses of voters, by letting them scam the system, and vote on important issues, like higher taxes, more welfare, and keep those votes a coming in, generation after the next. Coz they are young and some will work to keep the tax cesspool alive. The others are valuable and will vote for crap they know nothing about, and may have never worked a day in their life.
Lets hobble the old people who worked all their lives. And now are considered, not valuable. Driving their clunkers around, trying to keep their lights on and fuel bills paid, coz they dont know how to ask for help. They are the ones cutting their prescriptions in half, because they dont know how to get help. Because they have always been independent of the government. They dont know about heap, or pharma.org.
Yeah lets kill them.
Excuse me I must go to a tea party to stop this madness.
Have a great weekend.