Again you avoid the true point of my post ----Do you work for an AMERICAN --company ------Take a good look around ----America is all around you !!! If we go -----you are very much attached !!!!!!
If you go, take Walmart with you..LOL
But, serious, I know that, so are the europeans, the chinese,koreans , etc.
And then losing jobs due to outsourcing, that hurts.
You're our largest trading partner, ofcourse we want you to get back to health a.s.a.p. and recover.
And to be honest, up here, we think Obama is the right man to lead you into the right direction.
He has new ideas, and thats what we think you need.
Going the same old track won't work.
Companies like Walmart they don't even benefit you or I.
Don't think there is anything in that store that is North American made.
They add deeply to the trade deficit.
But, some people seem to support them.
Just like buying foreign cars, even though the domestic ones are in need with hundred of thousands of jobs at stake.
But, everyone looks out for themselves..to save a penny or a few bucks.
That's global trade though. Has it's good and evil sides.
And yes, I have my wringly gum, or my coca cola, even Chef Boyadee (yuck), and shop at Safeway, maybe get gas at Esso.
You know how it is here. Same as there, except the streets cleaner, less traffic, and kilometer signs,no slums or ghettos, friendlier, and more expensive..
I think the canadian manufacturing sector has mostly given up to export goods. We just import them, and send out raw materials, like lumber, and you give it back in paper form. It's sad, but very much true.
Raw vegetables and meat going south, and we get it back as TV dinners.
It hurts.
Thats life these days. Different world , different times. But, thats why we all need to change. In 1 form or another, to keep North America the best place to live on earth.
This is how important you are to us :
As of October 2008 and according to the US
Census, the ten largest trading partners of the United States represented 66.01% of U.S. Imports, and 60.31% of U.S. Exports in goods. The largest partners with their total trade in billions of US Dollars year-to-date are as follows:
Canada: $518.10
2. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/friend/fa/Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg.png
China: $345.45
3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/friend/fc/Flag_of_Mexico.svg/22px-Flag_of_Mexico.svg.png
Mexico: $315.59
Japan: $176.30
Germany: $129.73
United Kingdom: $97.22
South Korea: $71.70
France: $62.03
Saudi Arabia: $59.32
Brazil: $54.14