
Well-Known Member
My political leanings are clear?!? Holy crap! You are an amazing freaking detective!

Let me make it perfectly clear in case senility overtakes you. I am an unapologetic, in your face, anti-corporatist liberal. (Not exactly a Hillary lover.)

More than that, I have a fierce distaste for the wasteful, conceited, ignorant and baby boomers of this country who have rigged the society to pamper themselves from cradle to grave and :censored2: on everyone else.

So if that's what you thought I was, damn glad for ya. But I don't think it was ever hidden.
You do realize as baby boomers retire there's more and more opportunity for less populous generations? And that baby boomers had to wait for the previous generations to move on? And not all baby boomers did well? You are anti-corporatist but you make your living contracting with one. As the saying goes, paraphrased, capitalism is bad until you consider all other options.


Staff member
You do realize as baby boomers retire there's more and more opportunity for less populous generations? And that baby boomers had to wait for the previous generations to move on? And not all baby boomers did well? You are anti-corporatist but you make your living contracting with one. As the saying goes, paraphrased, capitalism is bad until you consider all other options.
Capitalism that funnels all profit to the top is horrible.

All baby boomers didn't have to do well. They were and are the ones in power.


Well-Known Member
Capitalism that funnels all profit to the top is horrible.

All baby boomers didn't have to do well. They were and are the ones in power.
Oldest baby boomers are 71, youngest 53. Are you telling me there aren't plenty of people in your generation in power?


Well-Known Member
Peter Joseph‏ @ZeitgeistFilm 49m49 minutes ago

Step 1: Ban assault rifles/automatic weapons. Step 2: Federal prosecution for any politician taking money from any gun lobby Step 3: Institute mass class-equalizing social programs #WishfulLogic



Well-Known Member
Seems to me "automatic" rifles already are illegal.
i saw that clinton had a ban on ar15s or something like that, but W bush did not renew it.

apparently this ar15 was used at a bunch of these mass shootings?

im not sure conservatives and liberals agree on gun control... so it is what it is.