Well-Known Member
cops are always going into black neighbourhoods and arresting them.

its a system of control not justice.
I grew up in a “black neighborhood “. We wanted a cop station there, and got one. Crime is still above the national average. Some manhunts start/end in that neighborhood.


This fine young gentleman’s manhunt started with a 3am gunfight a few houses down from me.

Surprising that they wanted this white man for a shooting in a “black neighborhood”


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a “black neighborhood “. We wanted a cop station there, and got one. Crime is still above the national average. Some manhunts start/end in that neighborhood.

View attachment 184327
This fine young gentleman’s manhunt started with a 3am gunfight a few houses down from me.

Surprising that they wanted this white man for a shooting in a “black neighborhood”
It was probably the white Park Ranger he killed after the house shooting that got the police involved.


Well-Known Member
The reason certain segments(wealthy) get away with it is because they tend to commit their crimes behind closed doors, whereas drug dealers in Black neighborhoods might stand on the street corner to sell their other words, they’re more visible.
no the rich get away with crimes in general because they are rich and buy off the politicians who control the cops


Well-Known Member
You must annoy the hell out of your parents.
not anymore. my dad and i went through a phase where we talked about politics too much: 2012 and 2013. its sorta his fault anyways because hes old and should know better not to talk about certain things too much. now we keep it at a minimum

my dad is probably more annoyed with me because i wasnt like 1989 and bought property. i couldnt stay at the docks because my hands arent healthy, and i got fired from CP rail which i couldve done (but its a terrible company). i am actually like my dads brother who moved to europe for a while.

but the better question is do i annoy the hell out of you ;)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
not anymore. my dad and i went through a phase where we talked about politics too much: 2012 and 2013. its sorta his fault anyways because hes old and should know better not to talk about certain things too much. now we keep it at a minimum

my dad is probably more annoyed with me because i wasnt like 1989 and bought property. i couldnt stay at the docks because my hands arent healthy, and i got fired from CP rail which i couldve done (but its a terrible company). i am actually like my dads brother who moved to europe for a while.

but the better question is do i annoy the hell out of you ;)
You used to. Not anymore. I just laugh now.


Well-Known Member
My post was based on the claims you made in your post, they provided the grounds for my judgment. Your statements define you as sick.
Your statement was meaningless as it was based on nothing.

So you have nothing to actually address my points but felt the need to post something and all you could come up with is an utterly meaningless post.

Carry on


Well-Known Member
We "hyperventilated" because Obama was anti-gun and we knew he truly wanted to take guns away from owners. Trump is just sounding ideas.

So a person’s words and actions are meaningless to republicans. Y’all can figure out someone’s motives based on......if President Obama sounded out the idea that due process doesn’t matter and he wants to take guns first....... that’s would have been the republican response?
The only gun legislation President Obama ever spoke about was mostly after Sandy Hook and that legislation was objectively modest proposals That a huge majority of American voters support. President Obama never made anti-gun statements.

trump actually did make a huge anti gun statement. He actually does support more radical gun control measures than President Obama ever suggested. He is trying to ban bump stocks without congressional input.

So how can republicans tell who believes what if not based on words and ideas?