Red Devil
The Power of Connected
I just got cyber bullied by strangers! I’m gunna hang myself that’ll show em!
I just got cyber bullied by strangers! I’m gunna hang myself that’ll show em!
I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! this stranger online really upsetting me! I’m supposed to be liked by everyone that’s what my Facebook says !DON’T DO IT @MECH-lift YOU ARE WORTH IT
I love youAlright alright let just drop it. No need to keep harping on each other. I was just kidding around. Thought she knew that from her own gif but apparently I was mistaken. I apologize. I'd rather this not turn into another vaccine like thread.
No drama here. You tell me.@542thruNthru was serious. He, after reading, gained knowledge that the thread "sucked". Why all the drama?
I agree “ Live and Let Live”.Well to each their own.
There's the ignore button. ^^^
Hungry man.. a soup that eats like a meal??It was delicious. It's a working man's lunch
That's not soupHungry man.. a soup that eats like a meal??
Please don’t speak for me, I do not hate @542thruNthru.If it makes you feel any better, we all hate @542thruNthru
I'll drink to that
I just got sickThis thread is for big fat Hairy Female Genitalia!
LuckyMy neighbor across the street just brought me 3 dozen homemade tamales. Nothing better than fresh homemade tamales.
you mean simmer down flame perhaps?Settled down flame
You must be under 45. Over that and they all look tolerable.I just got sick
I respect your view but I disagree.I think it's weak to report people. The Trump Cultists call me the most horrible things and i simply laugh about it as it speaks volumes about the MAGA crowd. It's nice when people reveal their true colors
No i am 56 and retired but i have a standard.You must be under 45. Over that and they all look tolerable.