

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
No. But I have my tickets for the Harry Styles/Lizzo liberal fest.
I don’t know who either of those people are and I barely know who Kanye is. I did listen to Kid Rock when I was a kid. Strangely enough when I was into going to concerts I never thought of anybody as liberal or conservative just went to have fun and be entertained. I also recall enjoying the grunge music scene like Nirvana. Now they play smells like teen Spirit as elevator music. And all the members of rage against the machine are having a midlife a crisis. Crazy eventually we grow up, or at least grow old I guess.


Well-Known Member
Yes really I like him quite a bit but his music sucks now. Seems like a good dude but he’s definitely hitting the Geritol now. He was at the teamster convention in 2016.
His shows on Sirius XM are interesting: but it's cringy when he plays his "Nightwatchmen" and other recently solo stuff. It will be interesting to see if he joins a UPS Teamster picket line next spring.

The other two guys in RATM are just there for the music and seem apolitical. It's Morello and Zach de la Rocha who push the far left stuff.


Well-Known Member
His shows on Sirius XM are interesting: but it's cringy when he plays his "Nightwatchmen" and other recently solo stuff. It will be interesting to see if he joins a UPS Teamster picket line next spring.

The other two guys in RATM are just there for the music and seem apolitical. It's Morello and Zach de la Rocha who push the far left stuff.
If they get back together and put on a show you buy the tickets I’ll pay for the parking.
Yes really I like him quite a bit but his music sucks now. Seems like a good dude but he’s definitely hitting the Geritol now. He was at the teamster convention in 2016.
Now he is the machine. The anti war hippie flower power drug addicted children have become everything they pretended to hate now that they have power
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Mark levin is a complete idiot he’s totally blind to the new world order. Still thinks anything will change just by electing the same spineless establishment republicans to Washington.

The Republican Party should be renamed the loyalist party or the Tory party. Because they’re still loyal to the Washington swamp which has to be destroyed just like king George reigning over the colonies


Well-Known Member
Both a perfect example of swamp dwelling snakes. Especially levin who’s a neocon through and through. I used to like him but he’s become unlistenable. Total shill for the GOPe and for Israel. Shapiro is basically the same mold.
You asked for examples of conservative Jews who push back against the liberal government. I gave you two examples, both who push back as much as anyone. You're the one full of venom here, not them. Honestly, why are you so full of hatred?
You asked for examples of conservative Jews who push back against the liberal government. I gave you two examples, both who push back as much as anyone. You're the one full of venom here, not them. Honestly, why are you so full of hatred?
Those two are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Israel is first and foremost in their minds not America. Second in their minds is the Washington establishment

Mark is a neocon like his buddy Hannity. I don’t take anyone seriously who works for fox or lives inside the beltway. Fox has been a globalist network for about a decade now. They’re wholly owned by Pfizer
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