

Probably less if the Republican Party's most probable 2024 Presidential candidate keeps having dinner with Kanye and his white nationalist friends that Trump totally doesn't know over the next 2 years.
I’m not voting anymore but I might write Ye in in 2024 just to show my utter contempt for the farce system that we have now

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

"Amid a storm of controversy over recent antisemitic comments and remarks praising Hitler, Ye West has announced the release of his brand-new album My Struggle.

"This album will is the greatest work of art created by mankind in the history of all time," said West at a press conference no one attended. "These songs are genius! These songs are the 8th wonder of the world! It will sell more copies than any album in history!"

"That is unless they manage to stop me. That's mein struggle — er, I mean my struggle."

Ye's music production house GOOD Music also put out a press release to promote the new album. The tracklist will include singles "New ‘Stache Flow," "Yeezus Walks (Into Poland)," and "(They Are) Heartless."

The announcement has been met with condemnation from the Jewish community, but praise from Donald Trump, who was apparently unaware of the controversy surrounding it."



Well-Known Member
That stuff seems to get drowned out by Kanye's insistent Hitler admiration and Holocaust denial.
i guess the question is can you admire some qualities of a Hitler and despise the worst of his qualities.
Society routinely says no on people they like and yes on others.
So Trump having Dinner with Fuentes is supposedly a career ending move for him while Biden meeting with a Saudi Prince or negotiating with an Iran gets much less angst.


Well-Known Member
It’s also worth asking why 6 million dead Jews in the holocaust is a big issue today when we’ve killed over 60 million unborn babies here in America since 1973. By my math that’s 5 times the holocaust and more than died in WW2 total
jews won't let us forget? Only 40 percent of the country cares about the aborted babies.


Well-Known Member
Probably less if the Republican Party's most probable 2024 Presidential candidate keeps having dinner with Kanye and his white nationalist friends that Trump totally doesn't know over the next 2 years.
who knows ? Every days actions are career ending moves for trump yet here he is again with a thousand democrat and 500 rino inserted knives sticking out of his back.


Well-Known Member
It’s also worth asking why 6 million dead Jews in the holocaust is a big issue today when we’ve killed over 60 million unborn babies here in America since 1973. By my math that’s 5 times the holocaust and more than died in WW2 total
You should be aware, and it's established fact from a time when recording history was a serious undertaking, that close to 100 million died as a result of WWII. Not only 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, but a lot of other "undesirables" were too like gypsies. A couple million more beyond the Jews who were killed. Then there were battle deaths. Disease and starvation. Reprisals. In what is now Serbia the Nazis killed thousands at a time in reprisal for guerilla attacks that killed a few Nazis.

More than 60 million babies aborted is a huge issue and a terrible stain on our country. We should always be striving to end it. But let's be clear that anyone who wants to eliminate an entire race, ethnicity, or creed by systematic extermination, turning murder into an industrialized exercise, should always be remembered for the evil they perpetrated. Blacks will always remember their enslavement. Native Americans will always remember being decimated by the arrival of Europeans. Tibetans will always remember their homeland and culture being swept away by the Chinese. And Jews will always remember their very existence being almost wiped away by the Nazis. What might not matter to us personally so much is very much a big part of their identity. And colors how these groups view the world around them today. We can't take back what was done. All we can do is just be decent human beings who treat others as we would want to be treated.


Well-Known Member
You should be aware, and it's established fact from a time when recording history was a serious undertaking, that close to 100 million died as a result of WWII. Not only 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, but a lot of other "undesirables" were too like gypsies. A couple million more beyond the Jews who were killed. Then there were battle deaths. Disease and starvation. Reprisals. In what is now Serbia the Nazis killed thousands at a time in reprisal for guerilla attacks that killed a few Nazis.

More than 60 million babies aborted is a huge issue and a terrible stain on our country. We should always be striving to end it. But let's be clear that anyone who wants to eliminate an entire race, ethnicity, or creed by systematic extermination, turning murder into an industrialized exercise, should always be remembered for the evil they perpetrated. Blacks will always remember their enslavement. Native Americans will always remember being decimated by the arrival of Europeans. Tibetans will always remember their homeland and culture being swept away by the Chinese. And Jews will always remember their very existence being almost wiped away by the Nazis. What might not matter to us personally so much is very much a big part of their identity. And colors how these groups view the world around them today. We can't take back what was done. All we can do is just be decent human beings who treat others as we would want to be treated.
i agree with all that but i believe the original question you responded to was basically in a society is it ok to have a discussion about the validity of the 6 million dead number? was it 3 , 4 or 5 million jews.

we seem to have an easier time discussing the atrocities of despots a thousand years ago than ones more recent.


i agree with all that but i believe the original question you responded to was basically in a society is it ok to have a discussion about the validity of the 6 million dead number? was it 3 , 4 or 5 million jews.

we seem to have an easier time discussing the atrocities of despots a thousand years ago than ones more recent.
Zero million


Well-Known Member
Of course not the media never lies to manipulate you
i didnt ask you about the media.

I asked you about the troops that arrived at these extermination camps and witnessed the atrocities. Thousands of them , red cross workers and civilians that aided in the recovery and treatment of these folks.
the holocast survivors of these camps estimated at least 250000 that provided actual eye witness accounts of the extermination these people

are you actually trying to say that all of them are in on the plot to fabricate this story?


nowhere special
i didnt ask you about the media.

I asked you about the troops that arrived at these extermination camps and witnessed the atrocities. Thousands of them , red cross workers and civilians that aided in the recovery and treatment of these folks.
the holocast survivors of these camps estimated at least 250000 that provided actual eye witness accounts of the extermination these people

are you actually trying to say that all of them are in on the plot to fabricate this story?
Patton made his troops witness what the camps were like because he wanted to make sure it was recorded into history.


i didnt ask you about the media.

I asked you about the troops that arrived at these extermination camps and witnessed the atrocities. Thousands of them , red cross workers and civilians that aided in the recovery and treatment of these folks.
the holocast survivors of these camps estimated at least 250000 that provided actual eye witness accounts of the extermination these people

are you actually trying to say that all of them are in on the plot to fabricate this story?
No it couldn’t be they’re all such good people who have our best interests at heart. Just like the people who made the vaccines.


Patton made his troops witness what the camps were like because he wanted to make sure it was recorded into history.
And then they killed him when he said they defeated the wrong enemy. There was world war. There were atrocities against everyone nobody disputes that. What you were taught in history about the holocaust is a lie though sorry


Well-Known Member
Patton made his troops witness what the camps were like because he wanted to make sure it was recorded into history.
yea patton and the 3rd army were all in on the media plot to fabricate the extermination of jews.

I believe the third army under Pattons command had approximately 250000 troops including support elements. thats a lot of liars out there helping in the fabrication.


Well-Known Member
No it couldn’t be they’re all such good people who have our best interests at heart. Just like the people who made the vaccines.

And then they killed him when he said they defeated the wrong enemy. There was world war. There were atrocities against everyone nobody disputes that. What you were taught in history about the holocaust is a lie though sorry
you realize this is crazy talk?

do you have a credible explanation for your theory?


yea patton and the 3rd army were all in on the media plot to fabricate the extermination of jews.

I believe the third army under Pattons command had approximately 250000 troops including support elements. thats a lot of liars out there helping in the fabrication.
Why would you need to lie when you can just censor anyone who speaks otherwise or dismiss it as a conspiracy theory


you realize this is crazy talk?

do you have a credible explanation for your theory?
Sure. Jews use the holocaust as an armor from criticism while they work to destroy our lives and enslave us. It’s common sense. People have had it with the lies and that’s why the world is in turmoil