any advice for a proud UPS wife?


Well-Known Member
Hi all. My husband is a newer driver and very low down on the totem pole. He started out very gung-ho and constantly trying to do his best for UPS -- doing everything by the book. Now he is worn out at the end of the day and beating himself up for not getting packages delivered as quickly as they "should" be. I'm constantly impressed with how many packages he can deliver in a 10-11 hour day, but what do I know. He strives for that "production bonus", but usually goes over. He's trying so hard -- skipping lunches and breaks often to try to improve his times. What can I do to help him? I make sure he has a good breakfast in the morning before he leaves for work, pack him a lunch/snacks/drinks, and try to have a warm meal for him when he (finally) gets home. I keep his uniforms clean, mended, and pressed for him. Once in a while he'll call and ask me to help find an address that isn't in his maps. I am loving and supportive of him and ask very little of him in his off time -- he deserves that time to kick-back and relax! He isn't afraid to work hard, but it seems to me like he is chasing some unrealistic goal that mgmt has tried to set for the drivers. I am so proud of him and what he is doing -- our girls are too. You'd swear he was the president the way they gush around him. They loved carpooling with him during peak and beg to get to see his truck. A few drivers have told him it gets alot better once you have a set route, so we kinda look to that for inspiration. Sorry to ramble on but it just breaks my heart to see him so frustrated...

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to make things better for him?
I'm not sure how he is as a driver, but he did a fine job in picking a wife! The most important thing is that he takes all his breaks. Its like collecting money that is owed you.


Well-Known Member
I was a rabbitt when I first started, but back then you could make an hours pay by beating standard. Now, the numbers are tweaked so tight, there's little chance of making any money on bonus. Just walk quickly and keep a clear idea of your load and stops ahead. Missing addresses is one of the biggest ways to get behind. Way to go for being a great wife.


It's a marathon not a sprint, slow down to go faster! Use methods 100% of the time ,do not worry how fast he can get it done. One you have to worry about fatigue and burnout, 2 if he is rushing worried about getting every little thing for the Parcel then you set yourself up to get hurt or hurt someone else badly. Also with the way UPS management is if he is burning it up for them they will keep pouring it on making him do more. Remember it is a career, not a one day as fast as you can go deal. He has a loving wife and kids, he needs to leave something at the end of the day for himself and the family, don't let brown burn him down!!!!!!

(((((100% correct))))))),very hard to add any thing to this statement but all i would say is make sure you ALLWAYS follow the methods and you should stay out of trouble.
and no matter how many stops you do per hour,they will always try to make you do just 1 ,2 more a hour.
Just be safe out ther so you can go to your family at the end of the day.
Been there, done that, just glad to be in feeders now.