Anyone Afraid Of Inflation?


Well-Known Member
Oh wow pulling for Kentucky devastation. Oh there is a glacier that is now a sheet of ice. Yikes mountain looks bare. Kick the can again…..


IE boogeyman

You would think a NY Times columnist would need at least a tiny bit of common sense.
Paul Krugman is a total maroon, he said the internet would be a fad that would sizzle out

naturally he's also a big Dem and heavily approved of Obama's failed economic stimulus programs


Well-Known Member
I point this out all the time, that our success is usually in spite of our management rather than because of it

I am not popular
What that means is that the people behind the management are especially brilliant.

It takes a very robust and intelligent system to thrive under awful management.

Hourlies aren't the ones who make it work. The IT, logistics, and other engineers made something smart enough to work anyway.


Well-Known Member
They cannot stop buying. We are addicts and big countries know it. We strung ourselves out. They stopped buying. We’re broke and stalling……..


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Our current crop of elected leadership thinks more spending-higher taxes is the way to go?