Anyone Afraid Of Inflation?


Well-Known Member
One only needs to remember what said Mark Felt to Bob Woodward....."Follow the money". Markets today have become so expansive and globalized to the point that the markets are the money . If Americans want the US to detach from the global economy they must first be willing to accept the fact that the days of cheap and plentiful consumer goods would come to an abrupt and painful end.
Putin saw that Ukraine was rapidly becoming a powerful western allied global trading partner and he saw them as a threat . So he set out to completely destroy it. And the effects of it are already being felt in the West and it will likely become even more painful.
Need to get back to manufacturing and dump tea into the harbor.


Well-Known Member
Notice when facts hit them you hear crickets. That politics blame mantra is all people have. When sourcing from one channel it’s like blinders on a horse. But alas it’s never too late to learn.
And just this AM agronomists are warning of a severe infestation of corn rootworm that if left unchecked could cut US 22 corn production by 15%. Advises grain farmers to plow under corn stubble and field trash (stalks) rather than no till plant in it. However, moldboard plowing requires an ocean of diesel fuel and will of course increase DEMAND.


Well-Known Member
I can say from my many personal experiences that the elite ruling class of our country does not give a flying bird about anyone but themselves.

Make no mistake, they mean to enslave you into subservience via debt and inflation. Cardboard is our job. Sovereignty is our right to store the energy expended for hours worked.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
And just this AM agronomists are warning of a severe infestation of corn rootworm that if left unchecked could cut US 22 corn production by 15%. Advises grain farmers to plow under corn stubble and field trash (stalks) rather than no till plant in it. However, moldboard plowing requires an ocean of diesel fuel and will of course increase DEMAND.
Dump ethanol.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Democrats suck
But you will still sign up for every Democrat social program they passed into law and you qualify for. Taking a conservative ideology is one thing while supporting a conservative ideology requires money sufficient to make application for those programs unnecessary. .