Anyone Afraid Of Inflation?


Well-Known Member
One thing you are forgetting. Contributions to FICA are federally insured. Contributions to 401K and similar retirement plans are not. And after what happened 2001, 2008, 2020, 2022 you don't hear much these days about privatizing .
Better yet, if the monetary energy earned was converted into a hard digital asset there would be no need for third party FDIC insurance.


Happy Verified UPSer
And the federal reserve is clearly trying to cool the economy in the hope of keeping the looming recession less severe and shorter in duration . But, come August or September when WWIII gets going in earnest in Europe we'll been in a war footing economy with nobody knowing for sure what form it will take and you might just see military conscription return to American life for the first time in 50 years.
A war helps an economy and it also helps a sitting president get reelected.

Timing is everything.


Well-Known Member