Anyone Afraid Of Inflation?


Well-Known Member
We will be much better off eating a corn then making it into fuel that makes our vehicles less fuel efficient
Remove ethanol completely and you think gas prices are high now. Maximum Us oil production will only produce around 13 MBPD . Only trouble is we currently use 20MBPD. Yesterday Honda announced that it plans to have 30 different EV models on the market by 2030 and will spend 60 billion dollars on R&D to do it.
Remove ethanol completely and you think gas prices are high now. Maximum Us oil production will only produce around 13 MBPD . Only trouble is we currently use 20MBPD. Yesterday Honda announced that it plans to have 30 different EV models on the market by 2030 and will spend 60 billion dollars on R&D to do it.
It's not a viable energy solution until they perfect the technology.
It's just a feel-good thing for the farmers and stuff back from Jimmy Carter days


Legio patria nostra
But you will still sign up for every Democrat social program they passed into law and you qualify for. Taking a conservative ideology is one thing while supporting a conservative ideology requires money sufficient to make application for those programs unnecessary. .
Just because you and your bunch would, doesn’t mean we all would.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Remove ethanol completely and you think gas prices are high now. Maximum Us oil production will only produce around 13 MBPD . Only trouble is we currently use 20MBPD. Yesterday Honda announced that it plans to have 30 different EV models on the market by 2030 and will spend 60 billion dollars on R&D to do it.
They wouldn’t be high if the imbecile in chief would allow more production of it. He created the problem from day one.


Well-Known Member
Numbskull-in-Chief would rather take on the mega, unrealistic projects only to create jobs for other numbskulls.
Acting quickly on anything realistic is not in the Dimocrat Playbook.
Switchgrass would be worth further investigation but as the article states the question is would the landowner be willing to give up his CRP payments and invest in the planting management and harvesting of switchgrass and would it be profitable? Furthermore how much fuel per acre of switchgrass would it yield and what would it cost to build processing plants at scale to make it viable.? All CRP landowners need to do at the present time in order to collect payments is to mow off whatever happens to be growing there if anything is growing at all. John Wayne and Ronald Reagan collected millions by having that desert they own in the program. Currently corn is still the preferred choice for ethanol because of predictable yields and the fact that it's traded on futures and the attractive market for the brewers mash . Even wet brewers grains are bringing $77 a ton and dried over $290 a ton.


Well-Known Member

They wouldn’t be high if the imbecile in chief would allow more production of it. He created the problem from day one.
According to US EIA Us oil production in 2020.....11.28 MBPD..... 2021... 11.18 MBPD.. 2022....12.MPD estimated. As the oil companies all said that they planned to do in their SEC filings. Bringing production in line with demand in order to stabilize the market is their goal and it's all public information. And of course many of you sit there at the track watching a bunch cars going round and round wasting hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel while crying about the price of gas.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Democrats
But you will still sign up for every Democrat social program they passed into law and you qualify for. Taking a conservative ideology is one thing while supporting a conservative ideology requires money sufficient to make application for those programs unnecessary. .
I’m sure people passed on the programs. If a mistake was made the honorable thing would be to R-E-T-U-R-N it.


Well-Known Member
According to US EIA Us oil production in 2020.....11.28 MBPD..... 2021... 11.18 MBPD.. 2022....12.MPD estimated. As the oil companies all said that they planned to do in their SEC filings. Bringing production in line with demand in order to stabilize the market is their goal and it's all public information. And of course many of you sit there at the track watching a bunch cars going round and round wasting hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel while crying about the price of gas.
Awwww man I always wanted to go and watch in person with a six-pack. Never thought about costs. Snap…..


Well-Known Member
I’m sure people passed on the programs. If a mistake was made the honorable thing would be to R-E-T-U-R-N it.
One thing you are forgetting. Contributions to FICA are federally insured. Contributions to 401K and similar retirement plans are not. And after what happened 2001, 2008, 2020, 2022 you don't hear much these days about privatizing .