Well-Known Member
They must not have a proper steward in your building. I would have a blast at your building. I actually encourage injured employees to file injury reports ASAP, and to request my presence if they feel intimidated. I know that filing injury reports gets them interrogated harshly (one employee was bought to tears before I got involved in the meeting once she asked for me), and that without me present most employees are dissuaded from filing an injury report.In our building, reporting legitimate injuries gets you walked out.
I also personally file OSHA complaints and encourage others to do so as well. I even choose not to remain anonymous on my complaint form. Even so, OSHA still hides the identity of the complainant, but when it gets to management I actually make it a point to say it was me that filed the complaint. Most management in the building knows I've been through the fire and flames before and that I didn't back down then and never will, so they know better than to mess with me in situations where they know I'm right (and that's most of the time).
More buildings need no-nonsense stewards to back up the workers, and more workers need to stop being pusillanimous. A lot of problems would be solved that way.
Yeah, I know I'm full of myself, but I know that the kind of person who leads as fearlessly as I do is rare, so I think it's merited.