Reporting to OSHA can't be done unless you've reported to UPS first and given them enough time to fix it (it can be done, but they won't act on it). If it is a repeated issue, then OSHA will do something. Last time I got OSHA to do something, they just sent a letter that included a copy of my report to UPS. That letter was posted to a bulletin board somewhere in the building. No idea if anything was fixed since I switched areas afterwards, but I doubt it.
Actually, you can report any violation to osha anytime without alerting the company first.
It's best to give the management the opportunity to rectify the problem first (plus safety committee), file a grievance if it's not corrected, and then
write osha a letter, giving them your contact info, building address where the violations occur and most of all
please sign the letter.
They will then do an on site inspection to fix the issue.
If it's a "repeat offense" where they've (osha) already told them to abate the violation(s) then just write the letter, again.
It's all about safety. Yours and the folks you work around.
The frequency that people get shot at work nowadays is tragic.
People have got to be able to get outside out of harm's way quickly.
You never know anymore.