Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


Never bought my own handtruck
These new kids don’t want to come to work....even these new pkg car drivers only want to work 3 days a week...
Not talking bad, the young guys even see the writing in the wall. They are here for a little bit, saving up some money, and then they are gonna move on. It’s time to protect this job.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else think CIR being implemented, is so if we go on strike the scabs won’t have to locate the one person in a 75 person warehouse that is authorized to sign for packages? I have a feeling this could get ugly. They were babbling something else last week at the PCM about some turn by turn navigation bringing you right to your next stop being implemented. I didn’t hear the whole thing, if it’s the diad or a gps they are installing.
It would still be a clusterf....just public opinion alone would bury makes billions, tax cut makes them more billions and the hard working ups driver just wants their fair share... yeah, try to deal with that ...
Nah dude, look in the mirror. Your arrogance has been poisoning the union forum for years.
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You "cull" the herd huh?
Youre the other C word ... coward (another one comes to mind).
Id relish working 30 yrs with @Gumby vs 30 minutes with you as a coworker/management wannabe.
Your post exposes your base intention to run your tiny operation and back stab or snitch on those who you deem less worthy to work there.
Why even bother. He will be gone from this place shortly.

Frankie's Friend

I saw the futility of our efforts and decided that I needed to take advantage
That pretty much sums up your attitude.
You will abandon the people who stick up for your pay and benefits to benefit yourself.
Parasite. Self serving.
Wear your labels proudly.


Never bought my own handtruck
I would think that your time spent at Disney would have given you practice in waiting in line.
Weak effort.
There would be zero support for a strike and both the Company and Union know this all too well.
We don’t need public support. The amount of online retail is our support this time. The volume won’t be lost, there is no one else to do it. This is our leverage. This past peak should show everyone how much internet sales and delivery has grown. Barely get it done, if at all. Our society expects this service now, and FedEx couldn’t move it all in their wildest dreams. Our company is a Goliath, and I want to be treated appropriately.
You can attack me all you want but nothing you say will ever have any impact nor change my opinion.
Welcome to how this entire forum feels about you!


Well-Known Member
Weak effort.

We don’t need public support. The amount of online retail is our support this time. The volume won’t be lost, there is no one else to do it. This is our leverage. This past peak should show everyone how much internet sales and delivery has grown. Barely get it done, if at all. Our society expects this service now, and FedEx couldn’t move it all in their wildest dreams. Our company is a Goliath, and I want to be treated appropriately.

Welcome to how this entire forum feels about you!


The only person who posts more and contributes less than you on this forum is @oldngray.