Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?

Geeeezuz another question?


What makes you say anyone on lower half of the seniority list would be permanently laid off? Why would anyone be permanently laid off? I am a 2 year full time driver with only 2 below me on the seniority list. so you are saying i am going to be permanently laid off?

If there is a strike depending on how long it lasts

You can be layed off

Frankie's Friend

It would still be a clusterf....just public opinion alone would bury makes billions, tax cut makes them more billions and the hard working ups driver just wants their fair share... yeah, try to deal with that ...
The Union needs to post the management's salaries and bonuses if they post our compensation to the public.
Then, there'll be public outcry.
Why even bother. He will be gone from this place shortly.
That has not been reduced to writing bro.
He's like a chicken that wanders into a lions den in thus forum.
"Chicken" is used for a reason although unlike the upstate scab they have spines.
The Union needs to post the management's salaries and bonuses if they post our compensation to the public.
Then, there'll be public outcry.

That has not been reduced to writing bro.
He's like a chicken that wanders into a lions den in thus forum.
"Chicken" is used for a reason although unlike the upstate scab they have spines.

I love how management throws in your face how much money we make an hour. My reply is, it's not my fault you went into management.