Anyone seen these package car cameras yet?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Is this NOT technology that has to be negotiated before being rolled out? And don't give me the cow dung about "have you filed a grievance?"....The union is fully aware of this roll out. The memos are posted on this thread. WHY ISN'T A WORK STOPPAGE BEING CALLED BY THE NATIONAL TEAMSTERS like what happened when they raised the weight limit to 70 without negotiation?
In Local 542 the weight limit actually is still 50.
They contend it can't record inside events....
I don't believe them but recording and live streaming are equivalent if they record the stream with a different device in the office...
They would technically not be lying, but no doubt they are actually trying to deceive.

How could it possibly "flag for review" eating, drinking or talking on the phone while driving if it was not recording OR live streaming???

Is this NOT technology that has to be negotiated before being rolled out? And don't give me the cow dung about "have you filed a grievance?"....The union is fully aware of this roll out. The memos are posted on this thread. WHY ISN'T A WORK STOPPAGE BEING CALLED BY THE NATIONAL TEAMSTERS like what happened when they raised the weight limit to 70 without negotiation?
Boy it's amazing they are rolling all the stuff out for the new guard takes over....


The issue seems to be that the IBT is ok with this. I don't know how true that is.
