Unsubstantiated accusations have nothing to do with your right to dislike or like a collectively bargained agreement.
Your dislike a the TA also, IMO doesn't give you or anyone the right to make false accusations.
I get so sick of this weak, tired assertion/argument.
This is an internet blog/message board, not an accredited news outlet.
There is no need to "substantiate" anything here.
We read what we want, consider the source through reputation earned by the poster over time and multiple posts, marry them up with our own thoughts and experiences, then take from it what we will.
Perhaps you were a lunchroom monitor or patrol boy in grade school?
If so, maybe you can take your schtick to the break room in your building, but it isn't needed here.
Anybody dumb enough to think that everything they read here to be "substantiated fact", deserves to be ill-infomed.