Weather has been rough on the lake this year. I dont live there anymore I moved 100 mi south and it is much better here, but my son lives in my house there in good old Conneaut Ohio, so we have a place to land in the summer for extended weekend fishing trips which is every weekend.....The cold temp has been great for ice fishing but ELK CREEK which is just over the line in PA has had great results for Trout all winter. Best perch all summer was 52 ft just off conneaut, geneva, Kingsville. Us lake ERie traash call it perch city. MORELUCK knows, if you visit lake erie shores, you get fresh lake erie perch or walleye exact place she is speaking, sandusky is the walleye capital of the world. I plan to go there this summer, my son took 2nd place in a walleye tournament in Conneaut with 39 lbs in 5 fish, they were monsters!!! Most familes have two cars we have two boats, a back up just in case and an extra if you got a truck with a hitch, so come on here anytime and we will show you how to fill your freezer. We had to buy one last year on the way home!! Been eating it all winter, perch and walleye, its the best!! Nothing like it!! Not to be on a rant, so out of character for me... I just hope spring is here!!! suppose to be near 60 sunday, so the ice is on its way OUT of HERE!!!
ps more luck if you are in Akron I am your neighbor,sort of, ever hear of Hanoverton Ohio if not dont feel bad, no one else has either, thats why I like it!! Guilford Lake state park.
(Message edited by toonertoo on February 26, 2004)