This is a great idea!Here's a thought to keep part time employees.
Give the employees an option for benefits. If an employee doesn't need the benefits from UPS, offer a higher pay rate and progression. A full time student can generally be on their parents insurance until age 25.
If an employee is at UPS for the benefits, a lesser starting ay rate ($9 estimate) and normal progression. Quite often an employee at UPS for the benefits in a part time position, stays longer than a student. Also the opportunity for a full time job at UPS is attractive, if that is the part timers goal.
One would think UPS has analyzed this situation, but keeping the payrate where it's been forever, is not the solution.
The health benefits and tuition reimbursement are benefits UPS wants to pay because that money is gonna go to paying tax otherwise. Plus I imagine UPS gets some nice kickbacks from the insurance companies they deal with.