I'm a star
Sounds like you assume a lot. Not very smart on your part. Try reading my post again. You totally missed the point.
Nope, read you loud and clear.
Sounds like you assume a lot. Not very smart on your part. Try reading my post again. You totally missed the point.
I never understood the concept of having representation that is less educated and less articulate than you are. This thread is a perfect example.
There is a distinct difference between being intelligent and actually being able to put that intelligence to good use.You don't understand that smart people generally eschew extra headache and responsibility that come with no benefits? Sounds like you should be a steward.
There is a distinct difference between being intelligent and actually being able to put that intelligence to good use.
....that's what makes someone "smart" and it encompasses many more intangibles than articulation.
They used to call it "common sense", which is increasingly becoming an oxymoron.
No, you didn’t. It went right over your head. No worries, move along.Nope, read you loud and clear.
You claim to be employed at UPS. You shouldn't put yourself down. Lol.I agree with you regarding the disadvantaged educational demographics of UPS employees, but the OP literally can’t spell the job position he/she holds! Lol
You claim to be employed at UPS. You shouldn't put yourself down. Lol.
No- you misunderstood my response...You misunderstood what he wrote. Lol.
No- you misunderstood my response...
I was being funny. I can't access the smiley feature anymore, so I wrote lol to try to convey that I was joking. I was mimicking his response to my post where I said something pretty similar to what you said.
Hit the 3 dots.Must just be my device with the most recent update. I can put in the old style emoticons and the system will put in the smileys, but I can't get the menu.
I was being funny. I can't access the smiley feature anymore, so I wrote lol to try to convey that I was joking. I was mimicking his response to my post where I said something pretty similar to what you said.
So I'm a stuard. I was just wondering if I was welcome here??
Sorry, basic reading, writing and spelling skills count, especially when you are representing someone else. Credibility counts. Do better.I would definitely grieve the preferred jobs going to lower seniority people provided they aren't peak season hires. Ask that Sup if he thinks he can force a higher senior person to punch out and go home before a lower senior person, since seniority doesn't matter. He'll be paying a lot of grievances.
There is no education requirement for Stewards, only a desire and passion to learn and serve the membership. Most of our Stewards have legitimate college degrees not pay-for-credentials like Phoenix College that Management typically has. Education is helpful but so are street smarts and being able to tap into the membership. I've seen plenty of uneducated Stewards run circles around me in a meeting with management, coming up with angles I hadn't thought of. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.