Are supervisors allowed to move you to a different PD/Working Area? If so does seniority prevail?


Well-Known Member
As I understand it, only the FT's can make permanent lasting changes to the staffing, including daily changes such as a loader swap between PT sups. Otherwise you have to work as directed.

Definitely talk with a steward, and it never hurts to try and talk with your FT for the PD wall. A good relationship with him/her can help get that PT's chops busted, or at least help solidify your position there. I've had three belts get into a small "bidding war" trying to get me onto their crews but since the FT knows me and what I can do, he keeps me where I want to be.


There is no required pph.. definitely is retaliation for your grievance, also harrassment.. I could win that one for you, but i don't know how strong your local is.. call your hall and speak with the b.a., if you have decent attendance and get there on time you should be able to win staying in your job area, and they should move her to a different area for looking to retaliate against you. Just don't give up on matter, too many people say to leave these little matters alone, and it's a waste of time.. this is why there are weak locals losing the good fight..

i Misload Next Day Airs

Well-Known Member
There is no such as a permanent drop. You are "Assigned" to a drop. But once you call in sick a whole week your "Assigned" drop for the last 2 years ends up being "Assigned" To someone else with Less Senority. They love to play these Games. Suck it Up and Work as Directed...... Just do it More Safely Now. Shoot ever since they did that to me..... I've been putting them through HELL. Only because I know how to cross my T's and Dot my i's.

Goodluck Out there Don't let the Pressure get to you and never Stress about it Just Play their Games and always make sure their the ones Stressing.... NOT YOU!