Are tieguy and upssocks one and the same?


Dis-organized Labor

good for you . I'm glad someones looking out for the mentally lame.

We all have our hills to climb.
I had an earlier post on a different thread about how much fun I had with the Canadian Navy years ago. Klein's Canadian, probably not a Vet, but I associate him with the good Canadian people I've met.

I reserve judgement until it actually affects me, then........;-)


We all have our hills to climb.
I had an earlier post on a different thread about how much fun I had with the Canadian Navy years ago. Klein's Canadian, probably not a Vet, but I associate him with the good Canadian people I've met.

I think you're going out of your way to like him because the rest of the canadians in this world are great people.

If you get some time go back through some of the old current events threads and read the many obnoxious posts of his telling us how canada is so superior to america in every way.

Dis-organized Labor

We all have our hills to climb.
I had an earlier post on a different thread about how much fun I had with the Canadian Navy years ago. Klein's Canadian, probably not a Vet, but I associate him with the good Canadian people I've met.

I think you're going out of your way to like him because the rest of the canadians in this world are great people.

If you get some time go back through some of the old current events threads and read the many obnoxious posts of his telling us how canada is so superior to america in every way.

As I stated, everyone's (specifically Klein's) time starts with me at the date of my involvement. I will not go back and try to find reasons to dislike someone.
Please don't get pissed, but isn't that a good approach??
I pissed off a bunch of Aircraft Mechanics on the "2727 Update" thread. I then realized that anger and abusive posts (not implying that yours are) do not work or improve any relationship or understanding of..

I took some well-earned abuse, and actually learned something in the process.

Hate to come off like a push over, but I find BC fun, informative and not a place for pissin' contests!

Best Regards,



Für Meno :)
We all have our hills to climb.
I had an earlier post on a different thread about how much fun I had with the Canadian Navy years ago. Klein's Canadian, probably not a Vet, but I associate him with the good Canadian people I've met.

I think you're going out of your way to like him because the rest of the canadians in this world are great people.

If you get some time go back through some of the old current events threads and read the many obnoxious posts of his telling us how canada is so superior to america in every way.

Lets get this straight Tie ! :
Never mentioned superior in every way !
In 99% of the cases, I simply defended Canada, because of your false information regarding healthcare, or some other subject.
Like socialisum, etc.

I even posted a link showing USA on top, (number 1), as a favorite country.
Sometimes, I just think Americans could learn a little bit from us, or from Europe.

And as far as Dilli goes, I made a joke with her avatar once, and replied with something like this: Wow, man, you better watch it, she carries a gun.
That got me in the dirt hole with her.

This one single thread gave me bad reps from the both of them.
Taught me another lesson, never place yourself in the middle.

Name calling, like Tie does..
I can't sink that low.
That's his attitude, not the way I grew up, or practise a way of living or communication. But, each to thier own.

But, I will do you a favour, and be much more silent from now on.
Even, if you have some misleading news from Canada, I'll just overlook it.
Someone else from here, up north, can correct it.
I'm sick of it.


Dis-organized Labor

Lets get this straight Tie ! :
Never mentioned superior in every way !
In 99% of the cases, I simply defended Canada, because of your false information regarding healthcare, or some other subject.
Like socialisum, etc.

I even posted a link showing USA on top, (number 1), as a favorite country.
Sometimes, I just think Americans could learn a little bit from us, or from Europe.

And as far as Dilli goes, I made a joke with her avatar once, and replied with something like this: Wow, man, you better watch it, she carries a gun.
That got me in the dirt hole with her.

This one single thread gave me bad reps from the both of them.
Taught me another lesson, never place yourself in the middle.

Name calling, like Tie does..
I can't sink that low.
That's his attitude, not the way I grew up, or practise a way of living or communication. But, each to thier own.

But, I will do you a favour, and be much more silent from now on.
Even, if you have some misleading news from Canada, I'll just overlook it.
Someone else from here, up north, can correct it.
I'm sick of it.


Take the high road!!!


Man of Great Wisdom
you have no idea.

I see the cardiac surgeon in a couple of weeks. Until then I'm limited to walking around the block which I am doing.

At that point I'll probably be put on a cardiac rehab program where they hook me up to heart monitoring equipment while I exercise. They have to make sure the new valve is healing and working properly before I can do anything.

I have a smith machine, treadmill and exercise bike downstairs I just can't use them right now.


I can not lift more then 10 pounds.

I can not drive a vehicle.

I can no do any upper body exercises of any type.

I'm not allowed to raise my arms over my head or reach them behind me.

I have specific instructions and have had training from physical therapists on how to execute every common movement I make so that I do not strain my sternum while its healing.

You would be surprised as to how many of your commom body movements rely on or use the chest and shoulders something as simple as a can of soda held away from the body actually puts a strain i can feel on the sternum.

As part of the after care I'm also hooked up to an IV bag that dispenses atibiotics every fours hours to ensure the infection that caused this condition does not return. I carry that bag with me 24/7 and it does limit my mobility.

thanks for shot.

Can you at least come in and lay on the shelf while the supe drives. We really need you.

Dis-organized Labor

Originally Posted by tieguy
you have no idea.

I see the cardiac surgeon in a couple of weeks. Until then I'm limited to walking around the block which I am doing.


thanks for shotQUOTE=brownmonster;629513]Can you at least come in and lay on the shelf while the supe drives. We really need you.[/QUOTE]

I hope everything was good. This was an old quote


From the promised LAND

You are a real case.

When you post, it is a cross between a narcissistic nature boy, and the bumbling Barney Frank. All strung out on something really bad stuff....

Lets get this straight Tie !
Never mentioned superior in every way !
In 99% of the cases, I simply defended Canada, because of your false information regarding healthcare, or some other subject.
Like socialisum, etc.

His false information? IT was you that posted your rant on how he could not get coverage because of his heart. That might be true in Canada, but here, Tie is covered. HE does not have to work till 65 or 67 like you stated, he can retire in his 50's should he choose, and still keep his insurance. His rates would be the same with or without the heart problem, as he keeps the insurance that the company has for retirees.

I even posted a link showing USA on top, (number 1), as a favorite country.
Sometimes, I just think Americans could learn a little bit from us, or from Europe.

Learn a little from you?

Lets see, you are willing to give all sorts of advice on how we should do things properly, but yet don’t follow your own advice?

See, here in the states, we already have people like that. We hate them with a passion. They are called politicians. People like Pelosi, who wants to pass taxes for us to pay on carbon footprints, but insists on taking a 757 back and forth to work, when a Lear would be cheaper and better on the planet. She also hates the military, and wants to cut their funding, but yet has no problem having them at her beck and call.

Yeah, that type of behavior is something we really need to learn.

And as far as Dilli goes, I made a joke with her avatar once, and replied with something like this: Wow, man, you better watch it, she carries a gun.
That got me in the dirt hole with her.

Again, I bet you think that is her fault? You dug the hole and climbed into it. Whose fault is it?

A saying comes to mind. It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.......

This one single thread gave me bad reps from the both of them.
Taught me another lesson, never place yourself in the middle.

See, I knew you had the ability to learn. That is why, even though so many have asked me why I waste my time trying to teach you, that I and Tie keep trying......

Name calling, like Tie does..
I can't sink that low.
That's his attitude, not the way I grew up, or practise a way of living or communication. But, each to thier own.

Name calling.......HMM. I don’t guess that a violation of the TOS on this site counts, does it.

And just because our highly distinguished international panel of Moderators have not slapped your sticky hands for it, does not mean it did not happen.

TieGuy is an Arschloch

Remember that little bit of wisdom you posted? But oh wait, since the terms of service did not specify that the flame or name calling had to be English, its actually not a violation....Or maybe that you were just repeating what you heard one of those little voices in your head said about Tie, that makes it acceptable.

PS to Mods, Arschloch is German for *******. Now, watch this get censored.......

But, I will do you a favour, and be much more silent from now on.
Even, if you have some misleading news from Canada, I'll just overlook it.
Someone else from here, up north, can correct it.
I'm sick of it.

Would that we could be that lucky. And Canada thanks you for not being their spokesperson as well. They actually have a reputation to uphold.

So see Klein, you did sink that low, and actually lower.

Go back to what you know best, posting from fantasyland.

One last quote

But, everything else is here, in enourmous amounts.
Something, USA, can't say for itself
Yup, including enormous amounts of hot air.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
you have no idea.

I see the cardiac surgeon in a couple of weeks. Until then I'm limited to walking around the block which I am doing.

At that point I'll probably be put on a cardiac rehab program where they hook me up to heart monitoring equipment while I exercise. They have to make sure the new valve is healing and working properly before I can do anything.

I have a smith machine, treadmill and exercise bike downstairs I just can't use them right now.


I can not lift more then 10 pounds.

I can not drive a vehicle.

I can no do any upper body exercises of any type.

I'm not allowed to raise my arms over my head or reach them behind me.

I have specific instructions and have had training from physical therapists on how to execute every common movement I make so that I do not strain my sternum while its healing.

You would be surprised as to how many of your commom body movements rely on or use the chest and shoulders something as simple as a can of soda held away from the body actually puts a strain i can feel on the sternum.

As part of the after care I'm also hooked up to an IV bag that dispenses atibiotics every fours hours to ensure the infection that caused this condition does not return. I carry that bag with me 24/7 and it does limit my mobility.

thanks for shot.

Obviously no idea.
It isnt always the case that an Unhealthy lifestyle caused the heart condition anyway.
No one knows how many of the muscles they use til they cant use them. And when they take a chain saw to your chest, and staple it back shut after splitting your rib cage in half, you can be pretty sore for awhile, and you do not want to put any pressure on the sturnum until healed.
You are doing the right thing by listening to your doctor. I know this is hard for you, but I hear in your post that is what you are doing.
As for all the other stuff I dunno.
Will you always have to carry the bag or is that until you are healed?


Will you always have to carry the bag or is that until you are healed?

another three weeks. its a pain. I've already snagged the line and ripped the pick line out of my arm once. :happy-very:

that cost me an extra two days in the local hospital waiting to get my pick line reinstalled.

The local hospital has the worlds worst tasting scrambled eggs. :knockedout:


Für Meno :)

I sure like the way you selectively copy and paste quotes.

First quote is:
Even without my interferance, or say...
a facebook bc member told me TieGuy is an Arschloch !

But, I do regret saying that now, even though, they we'rent my words. But, I shouldn't have passed it on. Sorry, Tie. I do opoligize.

What can I say to that tie ?
Throwing garbage at a country again ?
And, I followed up with Canada being self-efficient.
(in this countries defense).

And, as for the healthcare, maybe you are right, maybe not ?
Depends, if he is eligable for retirement pension, yet.

I'm sure, in many other situations, it's not the case, if, say, someone worked for a company, just for a few years, and quit.
He couldn't take that insurance with him.
Is it after 10 years, you can, or 20 ?

NO big deal now, peace.:whiteflag:


But, I will do you a favour, and be much more silent from now on.
Even, if you have some misleading news from Canada, I'll just overlook it.
Someone else from here, up north, can correct it.
I'm sick of it.


I don't generally find a desire to badmouth canada unless I'm responding to you. perhaps you can use your time of self imposed silence to study the ways of DS who somehow manages to discuss the differences between Canada and the US without pissing everyone off.


Für Meno :)
It's probably that fake egg stuff that comes in a carton.

Funny, you mention that.
You know, in many parts of the world, Eggnog is totally unknown.
Like in central Europe, even Australia.

I was just thinking yesterday, how I could make homemade eggnog that is more safer.
Because, mixing raw eggs into milk and drinking it, is not really my thing.
But, the pasteurized carton eggs, would do the trick !


Well-Known Member
Tooner and Tieguy-

It wasn't a "shot".
It was my way of offering hope and good will.
You have "no idea" what I may or may not have been through.
See if I do it again.
Funny, you mention that.
You know, in many parts of the world, Eggnog is totally unknown.
Like in central Europe, even Australia.

I was just thinking yesterday, how I could make homemade eggnog that is more safer.
Because, mixing raw eggs into milk and drinking it, is not really my thing.
But, the pasteurized carton eggs, would do the trick !

Dude, I really am starting to think you are delusional.

On the bright side UPS` insurance should pay to get you some help..............oh,yea, I forgot.