Sorry retired people should not talk about the upcoming strike......Exactly.
Read above post and…..
And we go
Sorry retired people should not talk about the upcoming strike......Exactly.
Read above post and…..
If you’ve been in one strike you’ve been in them all. So……Sorry retired people should not talk about the upcoming strike......
And we go
He got banned.Sorry retired people should not talk about the upcoming strike......
And we go
He said there isn't a godHe got banned.
I'm sure they don't want to appear as powerless and having to bow down to a tough talking union president who up to this point has been publicly portrayed as dictating the terms.I think the company didn’t like being told that they had a hard deadline of today, so they walked out. Probably also didn’t like the practice picking and no possibility of extending bargaining past the 31st like in every other contract with the union. All I see here are the customers getting more nervous and letting the usps get more volume..and Amazon starting up their delivery business…just like they have done with Amazon freight…moving non Amazon volume on their trucks. Maybe that’s what ups wants…less staffing.
Oh no! It will make a dent in my lifestyle.So retired opinions don't count ? Interesting!
I hired on just after the mid 70's strike and only participated in the 97 strike!
It was an interesting time for SURE!
People were warned to save monies prior to the strike! YOU are NOT gonna be just walking the picket line to get strike pay! Its gonna slow down! People will be getting minimum hours or no work at all if and when we return.
I watched some guys do their thing and all ways good. Emotional for some but overall most were ready.
Then the knuckleheads who live pay check to paycheck (you know the guys who have all the cool new toys or cars every two years) pull up to the picket line saying the most odd comments on how they will be ruined and they need to cross the line, their kids are gonna starve and they is gunna loose their house! They were reminded again that they were told 6 months previously all the way up to contract deadline to bank monies if we strike! You will need a back up fund or a job somewhere. Guys found jobs from companies on their routes.
I would say about 15 to 20% were out of their minds, some crossed only to disappear after the strike was over, due to peer pressure and lack of work due to the strike and low seniority. Others went into management only to lose their minds and quit in short order!
If there is a strike? Your gonna see true color's and they aint BROWN!
dos centavo's
Wife wouldn't let me buy the plane. She was super pissy about it.Those that are paycheck to paycheck should trade in their truck for a new truck in a few weeks that way their payment won't be due until Sept.
Also do that with the motorcycles, boat, rv, plane.... etc
On the right...Oh no! It will make a dent in my lifestyle.
Did you notify all your girlfriends that they will have to put up with hotdogs and Netflix shows for a month?I’m ready. Local 175
He can still service them while on strikeDid you notify all your girlfriends that they will have to put up with hotdogs and Netflix shows for a month?
We have not even heard a peep about a picket practice or anything.. our local has not doneWe had 90% participation in our "picket practice" this morning. We had 15-20 come in off of vacation and comp. Our full timers are ready and unified.
Wiser words never spoken. Drive to distant hub. Wear sunglasses.The guys on comp should not be there
PS, I said that in '97 too....You guys have my personal guarantee that there will be no strike!
I'm going to be a PVD driverYou guys have my personal guarantee that there will be no strike!
Ok. Is uber hiring?You guys have my personal guarantee that there will be no strike!
I’m smelling scab formation…..I'm going to be a PVD driver