Are you prepared to WALK/PICKET?

Walk picket strike savings money

  • Yes

  • No

  • I’ll be a scab

  • I’m paycheck to paycheck

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Well-Known Member
Elections coming up. Probably will not. Have to play their predestined movie roles that were already hashed out on the golf course.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
You haven't worked at UPS until you've been fired once and on strike once. Fortunately my score card is 4 and 2. Still here and focused to regain our strength.

Once was enough for me…a real learning experience… that episode I am taking to the grave…. And we wonder why we are so tainted…

4 times.. you should be honored… :congratualtions:


We have not even heard a peep about a picket practice or anything.. our local has not done :censored2: and neither has the Ba.. people here don’t even know that you keep your insurance if you strike.

Ditto. A few RPCDs were joking about scabbing until they found out they got no benefits. "...oh....that sucks."

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
HAIL ya brother! "You're watching the cleetus OOOPS!
Got distracted while typing!
Yuppers! Ready, willing and able to walk the picket!


Well-Known Member
How long does it take to get a hardship loan from your 401k usually? Might have to loan myself some money to keep me afloat.