You make my point for me.
In a seniority based union structure there is no monetary advancement possibility for a worker that can produce more in less time. The worst worker is paid exactly the same hourly wage as the best.
There is one exception, bonus centers. The teamsters hate them and use terms like "runners and gunners", "unsafe drivers" and "lunch skippers". A productive driver can meet all the same time standards that all UPS drivers are held accountable to, and make "free" money by beating the time standards.
I am a 60yr old driver, of 28yrs, and I have to load my own pkg car. I have to meet the exact time standards as you do in your center. My first check last week that I received after returning from hernia surgery had 8hrs of OT and 2.78hrs bonus pay.
Never do I run.
Never do I skip lunch.
By no means am I a Superman, I have had spinal surgery -(before UPS)- two hernia surgeries and a colon resection for colon cancer, and I am a skinny old man.
I just get P'd off having to read how people complain how hard they have to work for such a fantastic amount of money.
1) You get to load your truck. By loading your own truck you completely eliminate the scavenger hunt that most of us experience day in and day out.
2) As we all know standards differ between centers, hubs and areas of the country.
3) Some math for Dave to accuse me of doing wrong. You said 8 hours of OT. Assuming you did not have guarantee and worked 5 days, that would mean you worked 48 hours. 2.78 of bonus means that you completed the weeks work in about 5 and half % better then what UPS says it should of taken you. I easily loose over 15% of my time looking for packages that are either not there, on the wrong shelf, thrown on the floor on the opposite side and end of the truck just because that is where the loader found space, returning to stops after I find the missing package, meeting other drivers to pickup missloads (no time allowance for that) and also having my bulk stops blocked by irregs even tho there is more space forward of the bulk.
Now I did NOT calculate in your "on road time" vs your load time, so I DO understand the numbers are skewed a bit do to not knowing your load/sort time. So this would change the percentages. Want to be clear up front before our resident know it all steps in.
I respect your decision not to be part of the Union, but I would never paint UPS with a broad brush. I have to learn new rules and throw other rules out the window every time I get a new center manager.