Are you ready for 30% more work? The perfect storm?

Yea. All I'm thinking is when is he going away again. I can't wait.

You actually prefer fooling around with the one post trolls over having an argument with Dave? He and I differ on many views but at least I know the guy I'm debating with is real. I'd rather have that then get made to look a fool by some clowns 10th made up username of the month.
You actually prefer fooling around with the one post trolls over having an argument with Dave? He and I differ on many views but at least I know the guy I'm debating with is real. I'd rather have that then get made to look a fool by some clowns 10th made up username of the month.
That's a good point. He's such a jerk he kinda does make it fun. I didn't miss him though but I'm glad he's back.



Senior Member
Now I am curious?
Since you quit the union in 1997, what doors have opened, stripping you of the union restrictions that held you back for so long.
​I take from your posts that you're still a driver?
I don't know about you, but I get a letter every year informing me of the opportunity to put my letter in for management.
Other than that, I'm not sure what advancement you could possibly be talking about after topping out in the driving ranks?
I think I would like to transfer to your building, because the standards in mine are almost impossible to meet for the lions share of the drivers.

You make my point for me.
In a seniority based union structure there is no monetary advancement possibility for a worker that can produce more in less time. The worst worker is paid exactly the same hourly wage as the best.
There is one exception, bonus centers. The teamsters hate them and use terms like "runners and gunners", "unsafe drivers" and "lunch skippers". A productive driver can meet all the same time standards that all UPS drivers are held accountable to, and make "free" money by beating the time standards.

I am a 60yr old driver, of 28yrs, and I have to load my own pkg car. I have to meet the exact time standards as you do in your center. My first check last week that I received after returning from hernia surgery had 8hrs of OT and 2.78hrs bonus pay.
Never do I run.
Never do I skip lunch.

By no means am I a Superman, I have had spinal surgery -(before UPS)- two hernia surgeries and a colon resection for colon cancer, and I am a skinny old man.

I just get P'd off having to read how people complain how hard they have to work for such a fantastic amount of money.



Family Leave Fridays!!!

You make my point for me.
In a seniority based union structure there is no monetary advancement possibility for a worker that can produce more in less time. The worst worker is paid exactly the same hourly wage as the best.
There is one exception, bonus centers. The teamsters hate them and use terms like "runners and gunners", "unsafe drivers" and "lunch skippers". A productive driver can meet all the same time standards that all UPS drivers are held accountable to, and make "free" money by beating the time standards.

I am a 60yr old driver, of 28yrs, and I have to load my own pkg car. I have to meet the exact time standards as you do in your center. My first check last week that I received after returning from hernia surgery had 8hrs of OT and 2.78hrs bonus pay.
Never do I run.
Never do I skip lunch.

By no means am I a Superman, I have had spinal surgery -(before UPS)- two hernia surgeries and a colon resection for colon cancer, and I am a skinny old man.

I just get P'd off having to read how people complain how hard they have to work for such a fantastic amount of money.

Bonus centers exist even in states which are not RTW. The union could care less about bonus centers. What the union does care about is when the company eliminates bonus centers, or "modernizes" the time studies to minimize the number of drivers earning bonus, and the drivers who were "runners/gunners," short-cutted their jobs, keyed lunch to/from the building, etc. suddenly lose their incentive to be/do so, and thus wind up calling the union crying because they're in management's office for being so far over. Or, alternatively, when management gets suspicious of those earning tons of bonus & follows them to ensure they're following methods... and then catches them "cheating," hauls them in the office with the union.

Congratulations man but I've pulled some routes in which I could work leisurely all day and still earn 1-2 hours bonus, and I've pulled many others in which I could run, shortcut my job, key lunch to/from the building, etc. and still wind up going 1-2 over. To suggest that all time studies are created equal is ludicrous.


Well-Known Member

You make my point for me.
In a seniority based union structure there is no monetary advancement possibility for a worker that can produce more in less time. The worst worker is paid exactly the same hourly wage as the best.
There is one exception, bonus centers. The teamsters hate them and use terms like "runners and gunners", "unsafe drivers" and "lunch skippers". A productive driver can meet all the same time standards that all UPS drivers are held accountable to, and make "free" money by beating the time standards.

I am a 60yr old driver, of 28yrs, and I have to load my own pkg car. I have to meet the exact time standards as you do in your center. My first check last week that I received after returning from hernia surgery had 8hrs of OT and 2.78hrs bonus pay.
Never do I run.
Never do I skip lunch.

By no means am I a Superman, I have had spinal surgery -(before UPS)- two hernia surgeries and a colon resection for colon cancer, and I am a skinny old man.

I just get P'd off having to read how people complain how hard they have to work for such a fantastic amount of money.

1) You get to load your truck. By loading your own truck you completely eliminate the scavenger hunt that most of us experience day in and day out.

2) As we all know standards differ between centers, hubs and areas of the country.

3) Some math for Dave to accuse me of doing wrong. You said 8 hours of OT. Assuming you did not have guarantee and worked 5 days, that would mean you worked 48 hours. 2.78 of bonus means that you completed the weeks work in about 5 and half % better then what UPS says it should of taken you. I easily loose over 15% of my time looking for packages that are either not there, on the wrong shelf, thrown on the floor on the opposite side and end of the truck just because that is where the loader found space, returning to stops after I find the missing package, meeting other drivers to pickup missloads (no time allowance for that) and also having my bulk stops blocked by irregs even tho there is more space forward of the bulk.

Now I did NOT calculate in your "on road time" vs your load time, so I DO understand the numbers are skewed a bit do to not knowing your load/sort time. So this would change the percentages. Want to be clear up front before our resident know it all steps in.

I respect your decision not to be part of the Union, but I would never paint UPS with a broad brush. I have to learn new rules and throw other rules out the window every time I get a new center manager.
Last edited:


1) You get to load your truck. By loading your own truck you completely eliminate the scavenger hunt that most of us experience day in and day out.

2) As we all know standards differ between centers, hubs and areas of the country.

3) Some math for Dave to accuse me of doing wrong. You said 8 hours of OT. Assuming you did not have guarantee and worked 5 days, that would mean you worked 48 hours. 2.78 of bonus means that you completed the weeks work in about 5 and half % better then what UPS says it should of taken you. I easily loose over 15% of my time looking for packages that are either not there, on the wrong shelf, thrown on the floor on the opposite side and end of the truck just because that is where the loader found space, returning to stops after I find the missing package, meeting other drivers to pickup missloads (no time allowance for that) and also having my bulk stops blocked by irregs even tho there is more space forward of the bulk.

Now I did NOT calculate in your "on road time" vs your load time, so I DO understand the numbers are skewed a bit do to not knowing your load/sort time. So this would change the percentages. Want to be clear up front before our resident know it all steps in.

I respect your decision not to be part of the Union, but I would never paint UPS with a broad brush. I have to learn new rules and throw other rules out the window every time I get a new center manager.
We get to cover our misload time as "driver assist" time in "other work".



You make my point for me.
In a seniority based union structure there is no monetary advancement possibility for a worker that can produce more in less time. The worst worker is paid exactly the same hourly wage as the best.
There is one exception, bonus centers. The teamsters hate them and use terms like "runners and gunners", "unsafe drivers" and "lunch skippers". A productive driver can meet all the same time standards that all UPS drivers are held accountable to, and make "free" money by beating the time standards.

I am a 60yr old driver, of 28yrs, and I have to load my own pkg car. I have to meet the exact time standards as you do in your center. My first check last week that I received after returning from hernia surgery had 8hrs of OT and 2.78hrs bonus pay.
Never do I run.
Never do I skip lunch.

By no means am I a Superman, I have had spinal surgery -(before UPS)- two hernia surgeries and a colon resection for colon cancer, and I am a skinny old man.

I just get P'd off having to read how people complain how hard they have to work for such a fantastic amount of money.

Not to be mean but you sound like you have our supervisers attitude toward us.
Everyone's work load is different and how you vent about it depends on that.
I "had" to load my truck one morning. Totally load it. I returned to the building about an hour sooner than I would have normally.
A lot of us take a lot for granted. Even good health....I'm sure you understand that especially with what you've had to deal with. But we also gripe about things to communicate and relieve stress.
You're 60. You think about things a lot differently than younger people. That's a good thing mostly but you shouldn't take things personal that aren't said to you personally. We ALL like to gripe about something. You gripe about the people that gripe.Lol
Being a good worker has internal and eternal rewards. If you can't change something it doesn't do any good to stew over it brother.


Well-Known Member
Sat works in a satellite center hence loading his own pkg car. The volume is not nearly that of a blown-out commercial-heavy run but he more than makes up for that with his miles. He makes a good point in that, for most of us, there is no financial incentive for us to work harder.

All time studies are not created equal.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Sat works in a satellite center hence loading his own pkg car. The volume is not nearly that of a blown-out commercial-heavy run but he more than makes up for that with his miles. He makes a good point in that, for most of us, there is no financial incentive for us to work harder.

All time studies are not created equal.

Yes Dave. Miles are big. I pulled a tp when we had a satellite in our center. Which I still didn't make sense. Was a route that started 25 miles away.
Bonus centers are where a driver can make bonus,? Eventually Ups will make it harder to make the numbers. Then you will have to work harder to do it again,and again? Not worth it to me. Glad we don't have it here


Sat works in a satellite center hence loading his own pkg car. The volume is not nearly that of a blown-out commercial-heavy run but he more than makes up for that with his miles. He makes a good point in that, for most of us, there is no financial incentive for us to work harder.

All time studies are not created equal.
If you're not on bonus who cares?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

You make my point for me.
In a seniority based union structure there is no monetary advancement possibility for a worker that can produce more in less time. The worst worker is paid exactly the same hourly wage as the best.
There is one exception, bonus centers. The teamsters hate them and use terms like "runners and gunners", "unsafe drivers" and "lunch skippers". A productive driver can meet all the same time standards that all UPS drivers are held accountable to, and make "free" money by beating the time standards.

I am a 60yr old driver, of 28yrs, and I have to load my own pkg car. I have to meet the exact time standards as you do in your center. My first check last week that I received after returning from hernia surgery had 8hrs of OT and 2.78hrs bonus pay.
Never do I run.
Never do I skip lunch.

By no means am I a Superman, I have had spinal surgery -(before UPS)- two hernia surgeries and a colon resection for colon cancer, and I am a skinny old man.

I just get P'd off having to read how people complain how hard they have to work for such a fantastic amount of money.

Ahhh see most of your bonus likely comes from loadin your truck. They recently changed the way our guys got credit for loading their trucks. These guys (both most certainly runners) went from working about 8 hours a day and being 1-2 hours under. To working 11-12 hours and being 2 hours over. All because management decided to change how they get credit for loading and decided they needed 8 hours of "on road" work.

I have ran about every rural route in my center and the only way to scratch one here is to speed. The miles are averaged at probably 45-50 mph. That is not doable when your route is mostly gravel. So the problem with your argument is all time studies are not created equal. How can u hold someone to a scratch standard when on one route u end up an hour under even when everything goes wrong and on another u can toss packages out the window and work thru lunch and still end up over.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
All you can do is try to be consistent. UPS changes the numbers each January. To see which drivers will run their asses off for cardboard. Don't try to get caught up in make believe numbers. You will lose. Payed under just means the supervisors get credit each day for every driver who is "under ". That's their bonus they get at the beginning of the year.


Senior Member
I get no time standard for loading my pkg car, but it is correct that when I load I place every pkg in perfect delivery order. I make up that lost time loading by knowing where every pkg is located.

My point was about the wimp bitchin' of how horrible this peak's work load will be.

I have worked peak loads everyday for years.

I have found my happy place and just take the stupid money they are willing to pay, and not complain.
Next year I will retire debt free and have a net worth of about $1million.



Inordinately Right
Fewer days between black Friday and Christmas means more money. My center is already at maximum capacity. Simply means more Saturday AND Sunday optional working days for loaders. 7 Day work weeks means time and a half on Fridays, and double pay on Saturdays, I'll milk it for all it's worth.


Well-Known Member
Not a driver, but i still got to say, from the way things were before I went on STD, I'm not going to miss the part of peak I'm not working. Our entire area was new hires, and I feel sorry for the people having to unload the trailers. I don't get released medically till Dec 15. I have heard from people that i work with that the box volume "already seems to be almost as bad as peak last year". Haven't been there so dont know how accurate that is.