Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
Dear Senator Russell Pearce,
I am compelled to write to you about a recent event that occurred to me. I currently work as a substitute teacher in the west valley areas of Phoenix, Glendale, and Peoria. I was called upon to teach history and language arts for 8th grade at a Glendale public school. The number of students I had in each class ranged from 28 to 38 children, which were almost all Hispanic and a couple of Black children. The day started out as usual turning on the television listening and watching the announcements and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. During the Pledge of Allegiance I notice the vast majority of students refusing to stand and say the pledge. I asked the students why they refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance and they responded by saying, “we are Mexicans and Americans stole our land.”


Strength through joy
Hispanic Caucus to Pearce: prove facts on inflammatory letter
Reporter: Steve Nuñez
Some state lawmakers are demanding an apology after an inflammatory letter from a substitute teacher, blasting Hispanic students, made its way to the senate floor. The letter was addressed to Senate President Russell Pearce. He defends the letter writer but some other lawmakers are calling it a hoax.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
After being gone over 5 weeks... I just noticed that there were only 5 day laborers waiting for work in the usual spot in my city. Before the new law, there were more than 50 laborers waiting for work every day.

I think there has been a major impact in the area. Tourism in Sedona is at it's highest point since the recession and the real estate activity is also (by experienced agents admission), the busiest ever.

I talked with employees at the Phoenix Marriott and they said that business is back to normal or better, after a real impact last summer.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
After being gone over 5 weeks... I just noticed that there were only 5 day laborers waiting for work in the usual spot in my city. Before the new law, there were more than 50 laborers waiting for work every day.

I think there has been a major impact in the area. Tourism in Sedona is at it's highest point since the recession and the real estate activity is also (by experienced agents admission), the busiest ever.

I talked with employees at the Phoenix Marriott and they said that business is back to normal or better, after a real impact last summer.

Welcome back Lifer!

Good to hear things are getting better in AZ, care to share that with us here in CA.:happy-very:


Engorged Member
He already did share....all the day laborers came here !!!

If you ever get your wish and all of the illegals get sent home, your produce will cost twice as much and there won't be any employees at McDonald's to serve you your Big Mac. Oh, and your landscaping bill will double too.


Für Meno :)
I already paid $2 for one lousy green bell pepper today !!! It's already terrible.

Odd, I just bought a green and a red bell pepper. Can't remember which country they came from though - bought at Safeway.
$1.99 /lb for green, $2.49lb for red.

I did get another 10 lb box of Californian Naval oranges, again, for $3.99 ! (39.9 cents/lb) ! :) Got 2 boxes, actually. The price is right ! (Sunkist brand), plus $42 went into my airmiles account as a bonus, for spending over $100 at Canada Safeway, and a 5 cent per liter discount at the Safeway gasbar everytime you spend over $35 here.
Plus getting 5 scratch and win tickets, that are good for daily number draws for the next 6 weeks, to win $50K, or Diamond necklace, or food items.

Good deal !
I love my Safeway :)

(and no, no one speaks spanish there) LOL
ya, the the number of drunken drivers will decrease.
as well as a degrease in the number of "no pays" at the ER's

We could compile a pretty long list of savings.

Oh and my lawn care cost won't go up, my lawn person was born in the USA and can prove it, I can even testify to that point I was there at the birth.


Strength through joy
7 bodies found in car abandoned in central Mexico

Police found the bodies of six men and one woman inside a car abandoned Monday in an exclusive gated community near the picturesque central Mexican city of Cuernavaca.
Morelos state police said officers found three bodies inside the car and four more in the trunk in the town of Temixco near Cuernavaca. Police gave no other details.


Engorged Member
7 bodies found in car abandoned in central Mexico

Police found the bodies of six men and one woman inside a car abandoned Monday in an exclusive gated community near the picturesque central Mexican city of Cuernavaca.
Morelos state police said officers found three bodies inside the car and four more in the trunk in the town of Temixco near Cuernavaca. Police gave no other details.

I could probably pull-up something similar from Detroit, Philadelphia, or a few other American cities. Yes, Mexico has a major drug problem. Where is the market for said drugs? On our side of the border.


golden ticket member
Not enough dirt?
After the patio room and some grass for the dog to do her thing......there are only some flower beds and I put tomato plants between hibiscus bushes and they do well. We have postage stamp-sized yards in CA. Land is at a premium.


Strength through joy
I could probably pull-up something similar from Detroit, Philadelphia, or a few other American cities. Yes, Mexico has a major drug problem. Where is the market for said drugs? On our side of the border.
who said this article has anything to do with drugs ?
my point was that there is no safe place in MX. , or did you not get the " exclusive gated community " ?


Strength through joy
D.A. King: Final week’s goal should be passage of bill on illegals

by D.A. King

Last week about 5,000 screaming, chanting, resentful illegal aliens and the remora-like subversives who support them took over Washington Street in front of the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Many carried signs that said “UNDOCUMENTED AND UNAFRAID” and “WE WILL NOT LEAVE!” and “NO TO HB 87!” and “LEGALIZATION FOR ALL” and “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!” The Capitol grounds looked and sounded like the televised mass rallies that take place in chaotic Third World nations on the way to revolution.
The hated object of the angry, riotous protest was any enforcement of American immigration laws in general and HB 87, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 authored by state Rep. Matt Ramsey, in particular. HB 87 is the most well written and most potentially effective state immigration enforcement bill in the nation.
The message, even though most of the day-long rally was conducted in a foreign language, was quite clear: “Your laws do not apply to us unless they benefit our presence in your country.


Strength through joy
Associated Press An identification card issued by the Mexican consulate would no longer be considered acceptable ID to prove residency in North Carolina to get government services in legislation tentatively approved in the House.
The bill would remove the “matricula consular” from a list of documents to establish state residency to get a driver’s license, obtain auto insurance or enroll in Medicaid. Local governments also can’t accept the IDs and similar cards created by other countries.