Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Well-Known Member
Myth No. 4: The law will require Arizona police officers to stop and question people.

Reality: The law only kicks in when a police officer stopped, detained, or arrested someone (HB2162). The most likely contact is during the issuance of a speeding ticket. The law does not require the officer to begin questioning a person about his immigration status or to do anything the officer would not otherwise do.

Only after a stop is made, and subsequently the officer develops reasonable suspicion on his own that an immigration law has been violated, is any obligation imposed. At that point, the officer is required to call ICE to confirm whether the person is an illegal alien.

The Arizona law is actually more restrictive than federal law. In Muehler v. Mena (2005), the Supreme Court ruled that officers did not need reasonable suspicion to justify asking a suspect about their immigration status, stating that the court has “held repeatedly that mere police questioning does not constitute a seizure” under the Fourth Amendment).

Come on, lets not kid ourselves....this bill opens up a whole new can of worms at the local and state law enforcement levels. Why do Americans have to prove their innocence before being charged of a crime....Even Police Chiefs across Airzona and bordering states are suspect of this bill...


Well-Known Member
Illegal immigration is a matter of supply and demand. Remove the demand, and the supply dries up. Make it illegal to hire, knowingly or unknowingly, anyone who is not authorized to be in this country. Expand the government web site where an employer can check the status of the person applying for the job. Make that check mandatory. Create an audit trail of the queries against that database by tax ID for the business, and the social security number of the applicant.

For every employee found to be in violation of this, the employee gets deported, with every member of their family, regardless of citizenship status (i.e. kids born here of parents without proper authorization). -AND- the employer gets fined $10,000 for the first offense. Fine doubles for every subsequent offense. Hire five people without legal authorization to be here, and the fine for the fifth one is $160,000, and the total fine is $310,000 Even Tyson Chicken, Iowa Beef Packing, and the Bellagio should have trouble paying those fines.

No jobs, no attraction to come here. Except to visit our wonderful tourist opportunities, or go to school here. Oh, yeah, for someone with a valid student visa, I would award a green card upon graduation from any accredited college or university with a master's or Ph.D. Keep the smart ones here.

It would be much easier to eliminate minimum wage and welfare and likely more effective.


Well-Known Member
Come on, lets not kid ourselves....this bill opens up a whole new can of worms at the local and state law enforcement levels. Why do Americans have to prove their innocence before being charged of a crime....Even Police Chiefs across Airzona and bordering states are suspect of this bill...


Since it is a federal crime to be in this country without permission, I am guessing you made this statement based on the fact that federal law enforcement officers are constantly forcing you to prove you are an American citizen or they will charge you with this crime? I am not sure what world you live in but in this world people are constantly having to prove their innocence of crimes. I'll guess in your time as a driver for UPS you have been forced to prove you were not breaking the state law governing weight limits by being forced to drive over a scale. At some point you probably, like most people, have been forced to prove that you were not committing the crime of driving a vehicle without a license by having to show your drivers license at a police roadblock. Most states have a law called implied consent which is possibly the dumbest law ever by forcing you to prove you are not under the influence of alcohol when driving a vehicle.

Let's not kid ourselves this law opens no such can of worms. That can has been open for a very long time.
Come on, lets not kid ourselves....this bill opens up a whole new can of worms at the local and state law enforcement levels. Why do Americans have to prove their innocence before being charged of a crime....Even Police Chiefs across Airzona and bordering states are suspect of this bill...
The link, (although loosely related) is off topic, a link to your claim of Police Chiefs being suspect would have been more appropriate to the discussion.
You ask why do Americans have to prove their innocence before being charged with a crime..... well, it's really pretty simple.
When someone is pulled over for a vehicular violation, the first thing a cop asks for is a DL, if they don't have one then further investigation is needed. At some point that individual will have to provide some kind of proof of who they are.(it's been this way for many years, nothing new).
If ,in that investigation, it comes to light that the individual is an illegal immigrant/alien then they are charged under the new law and the process proceeds.


Strength through joy
FACT that of the 700 miles of PHYSICAL fence authorized by law (and of which Obama was a supporter) less than 35 miles of double-layer fencing has been completed along the Southern border. Most of that fencing, 13.5 miles, is in Texas, while 11.8 miles are in California and 9.1 miles of double-layer fencing are up in Arizona.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
FACT that of the 700 miles of PHYSICAL fence authorized by law (and of which Obama was a supporter) less than 35 miles of double-layer fencing has been completed along the Southern border. Most of that fencing, 13.5 miles, is in Texas, while 11.8 miles are in California and 9.1 miles of double-layer fencing are up in Arizona.

The Messiah needed to save money for Obamacare...which is much more important than protecting American citizens.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I just became an even bigger Laker fan!!:surprised:

Phil Jackson the Lakers head coach says....

Jackson became the focus of immigration activists' ire on account of remarks he made at a press conference earlier this month which seemed to show support for Arizona's recently passed immigration law.
"Am I crazy, or am I the only one that heard when the legislators said that `we just took United States immigration law and adapted it to our state?"' Jackson said on May 4 in response to a reporter who asked for Jackson's thoughts on the Phoenix Suns wearing "Los Suns" jerseys as a means of protesting the Arizona law.
When the reporter said that Arizona had "usurped the federal law," Jackson shot back. "It's not usurping, they just copied it, is what they said they did, the legislators. Then they give it some teeth to be able to enforce it."

Lakers Coach Phil Jackson Feeling Heat from Immigration Activists

You go Phil!!

No Los Lakers, GO LAKERS!!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I have read and read. But most of you see this issue as if it could be resolved with a magic wand. Tell me what to do with the 12 million illegal immigrants we have? Which are not only Mexicans. People that have been living here for more than 10, 15, 20 years? With the US Citizen children that you claim they're going free to school? With people that work, buy goods, and pay taxes, which they don't claim at the end of the year; and just yet you're saying they claim social benefits for free. This is a very complex issue to be analyzed; it's not like saying "I got my hands dirty; I wash my hands off." You go from giving an opinion about SB1070, to make comments about illegal immigrants and their way of living. And I bet you don't even know a single illegal immigrant. You just talk and repeat what you hear and think sounds good and intelligent. But you don't even give any reasonable solutions. But, just tell me, what to do with the 12 million illegal immigrants.

Oh and my opinion about the law SB1070, I believe it's pure racism, or profiling or whatever the word you use to mask it. By the way I have read it, so don't mind to ask.


Staff member
I just became an even bigger Laker fan!!:surprised:

Phil Jackson the Lakers head coach says....

Jackson became the focus of immigration activists' ire on account of remarks he made at a press conference earlier this month which seemed to show support for Arizona's recently passed immigration law.
"Am I crazy, or am I the only one that heard when the legislators said that `we just took United States immigration law and adapted it to our state?"' Jackson said on May 4 in response to a reporter who asked for Jackson's thoughts on the Phoenix Suns wearing "Los Suns" jerseys as a means of protesting the Arizona law.
When the reporter said that Arizona had "usurped the federal law," Jackson shot back. "It's not usurping, they just copied it, is what they said they did, the legislators. Then they give it some teeth to be able to enforce it."

Lakers Coach Phil Jackson Feeling Heat from Immigration Activists

You go Phil!!

No Los Lakers, GO LAKERS!!!:happy-very:
So by the same logic, the federal government could move into Arizona, copy the trafic laws and start enforcing them with rpg's and predator drones. Or enforcing Arizona housing codes Waco style. Ok. I think we understand each other now.:surprised::smart:
I have read and read. But most of you see this issue as if it could be resolved with a magic wand. Tell me what to do with the 12 million illegal immigrants we have? Which are not only Mexicans. People that have been living here for more than 10, 15, 20 years? With the US Citizen children that you claim they're going free to school? With people that work, buy goods, and pay taxes, which they don't claim at the end of the year; and just yet you're saying they claim social benefits for free. This is a very complex issue to be analyzed; it's not like saying "I got my hands dirty; I wash my hands off." You go from giving an opinion about SB1070, to make comments about illegal immigrants and their way of living. And I bet you don't even know a single illegal immigrant. You just talk and repeat what you hear and think sounds good and intelligent. But you don't even give any reasonable solutions. But, just tell me, what to do with the 12 million illegal immigrants.

Oh and my opinion about the law SB1070, I believe it's pure racism, or profiling or whatever the word you use to mask it. By the way I have read it, so don't mind to ask.

You are absolutely correct about one thing, this is a very complex issue(illegal immigration) . There is no one law past, present nor future that will FIX the problem. Stopping the flow of illegal entries into this country will not take care of the "12 million" already here, but it's indeed an attempt at keeping it from being 13 million.
You are intittled to your opinion, no matter how wrong you are, but the SB1070 is not racist or profiling. If you have read the law, you must not have an understanding of the law.There is language in the law prohibiting racial profiling. The is also a mandate issued by Gov Brewer to help illuminate profiling.
So by the same logic, the federal government could move into Arizona, copy the trafic laws and start enforcing them with rpg's and predator drones. Or enforcing Arizona housing codes Waco style. Ok. I think we understand each other now.:surprised::smart:
The more you type, the more idiotic you sound, really.
Do you not realize that the fed gov gets involved with states NOT enforcing laws from time to time? There are more fed laws than you can imagine, that force states to do certain things our fed gov thinks should be done. A few years ago EVERY state had to put in effect a 55 MPH speed limit or forfeit fed highway funding. Not quite a predator drone, but pretty damn effective.

Oh BTW, I think I do understand you.


Strength through joy
This was written by an Arizona legal resident...

Subject: AZ Sonoran Desert, outside Tucson, AZ

Do these graphic photos help you understand the problem with open borders? I hope you can get better picture now of why we in AZ are 70% in favor of enforcing the federal law which DC is too busy spending money to do.
AZ Sonoran Desert, outside Tucson, AZ

Hey everyone out there!

We, in Arizona, know you're boycotting us -- but you really should come out here and see our Beautiful Sonoran Desert.

This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers.

It's just gorgeous right now! We know you'd love it and maybe you can share what you saw with the rest of the country so they can love it too!
This area is located in a wash, approximately 1.5 miles long, just south of Tucson, Arizona. If a flood came, all this would be washed to the river and then onto the sea!

It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it.

As we kept walking down the wash, we thought for sure it was going to end, but around every corner was more and more trash!

The trash left behind by people illegally crossing our border is another Environmental Disaster to hit the USA.

If these actions had been done in one of our Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas, there would be an uprising of the American people.....but this is the Arizona-Mexican border.

You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Republic Repugnant newspaper. Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the uncovered human waste left in our desert.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This was written by an Arizona legal resident...

Subject: AZ Sonoran Desert, outside Tucson, AZ

Do these graphic photos help you understand the problem with open borders? I hope you can get better picture now of why we in AZ are 70% in favor of enforcing the federal law which DC is too busy spending money to do.
AZ Sonoran Desert, outside Tucson, AZ

Hey everyone out there!

We, in Arizona, know you're boycotting us -- but you really should come out here and see our Beautiful Sonoran Desert.

This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers.

It's just gorgeous right now! We know you'd love it and maybe you can share what you saw with the rest of the country so they can love it too!
This area is located in a wash, approximately 1.5 miles long, just south of Tucson, Arizona. If a flood came, all this would be washed to the river and then onto the sea!

It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it.

As we kept walking down the wash, we thought for sure it was going to end, but around every corner was more and more trash!

The trash left behind by people illegally crossing our border is another Environmental Disaster to hit the USA.

If these actions had been done in one of our Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas, there would be an uprising of the American people.....but this is the Arizona-Mexican border.

You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Republic Repugnant newspaper. Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the uncovered human waste left in our desert.

Those pics are disgusting....oh wait let me put on my Liberal hat: "that is so sad, we should welcome all illegals with open arms and give them free healthcare, schooling, and housing. We need to do this because its the fault of the big American companies that encourage the illegals to come accross the border and throw their trash out."


Staff member
The more you type, the more idiotic you sound, really.
Do you not realize that the fed gov gets involved with states NOT enforcing laws from time to time? There are more fed laws than you can imagine, that force states to do certain things our fed gov thinks should be done. A few years ago EVERY state had to put in effect a 55 MPH speed limit or forfeit fed highway funding. Not quite a predator drone, but pretty damn effective.

Oh BTW, I think I do understand you.
All I'm saying is that the feds could put some more teeth into the state laws. You do want the laws to have teeth don't you? If the states aren't going to be serious about enforcing their own laws, somebody's gonna have to do it. I'm sure we can do much better than a little funding cut here and there. What's wrong with the shoe being on the other foot other than this time your side would be feeling the oppression. There is some idiotic thought floating around here, but it's not coming from me. Let's make Arizona a Law and Order state for all people and all laws. A little Shakespearean "Measure for Measure" in the 20th centurey. Still understand me?
All I'm saying is that the feds could put some more teeth into the state laws. You do want the laws to have teeth don't you? If the states aren't going to be serious about enforcing their own laws, somebody's gonna have to do it. I'm sure we can do much better than a little funding cut here and there. What's wrong with the shoe being on the other foot other than this time your side would be feeling the oppression. There is some idiotic thought floating around here, but it's not coming from me. Let's make Arizona a Law and Order state for all people and all laws. A little Shakespearean "Measure for Measure" in the 20th centurey. Still understand me?
Oh yea understanding you is very easy, you are transparent.
What state laws do feel need more teeth? What state is ignoring laws you feel the feds should intervene with?


Staff member
Oh yea understanding you is very easy, you are transparent.
What state laws do feel need more teeth? What state is ignoring laws you feel the feds should intervene with?
Oh, probably start with someting mundane like state tax codes. Make it seem the most unobtrusive with agents in suits. Of course that could probably turn up a hornet's nest of corruption somewhere along the line and a distant connection to drug trafficking giving the feds a reason to suspend posse comitadas and put troops on the ground. Probably find more corruption in the state government and find a way, under the states constitution of course, to nullify the state government and insist on new fair elections. Oh, and they will let you know who to vote for. And just to add insult to injury, no more federal dollars until they get their act together.


golden ticket member
OH No !! Now not even Janet Napolitano has read the law !! Is there no end to the incompetance of this administration.:biting: