Strength through joy
Can someone give Dili a rep point for this post...i cant give anymore right says i need to spread more around first. Great post!!!! LMAO!!!!![]()
I took care of that for you.
Can someone give Dili a rep point for this post...i cant give anymore right says i need to spread more around first. Great post!!!! LMAO!!!!![]()
How are they getting all that free booty? Especially the free housing and healthcare.... We repealed most welfare laws in 1996. If illegal aliens are taking American jobs, then, yes, they are being employed by employers who are willfully choosing to ignore their lack of legal status to work in this country. Many people are angry that illegal aliens are taking jobs that Americans should be doing, and that is why the unemployment figures are so high. So obviously, those employers are giving jobs to illegals instead of legal residents and citizens.Why would they disappear when they are getting free education, housing, healthcare, etc? Are you saying that with 12million illegals here in America that all are working for EMPLOYERS who EMPLOY them illegaly? Thats lots of jobs!!!! LMAO!!!
There ya go again, sticking your nose into this and making claims without any substance or proof. There was nothing in that article that even remotely proves that CA owns any power plants in AZ. CA has contracts with AZ for the electricity.
SRP (Salt River Project) based out of Phoenix, is the nations 3rd largest public power utility.
If you aren't going to add any substance to your posts, STFU.
How are they getting all that free booty? Especially the free housing and healthcare.... We repealed most welfare laws in 1996. If illegal aliens are taking American jobs, then, yes, they are being employed by employers who are willfully choosing to ignore their lack of legal status to work in this country. Many people are angry that illegal aliens are taking jobs that Americans should be doing, and that is why the unemployment figures are so high. So obviously, those employers are giving jobs to illegals instead of legal residents and citizens.
Either illegal aliens are taking Americans' jobs, or they are sitting around collecting free goodies from the tooth fairy. You can't have it both ways. Please pick one.
First off you would not come here since you have social welfare in your we shoot drunk Canadians on sight.
So did you hear about the census worker who was on the sex offender list and got the census job? Do you want to know how he got the job? Well he had a fake social security card and he passed the background check. If you search the news you will find it. Point im getting at is you need to do a search Klein and see how easy it is to get all the entitlments if your an illegal here in America...its well documented to death and with all the bleeding heart liberals who love to give them the feebies...well you get the idea.
I read that the other day. Just because they invested in the building of the power plant doesn't mean they have any controlling interest. People that own stock in UPS don't get to run UPS.Maybe you shouldn't just reley on Fox news to give you the full insight debt, and stfu until you get the facts straight ? :
UPDATE: It appears Pierce's plan isn't tenable. Alan Bunnell, a spokesman for APS, the energy company that owns the nuclear power plant, tells Yahoo! News that California owns a stake in most of the Arizona-based plants that provide them with energy, including the nuclear facility in question "They actually are owners in them, it's not like they have contracts with them," Bunnell said.
Hope you got plenty of rep points for your misinformation.
From the the right dumb wingers, that are used to following the blind.
Those “meddling” Mexicans
Posted by Ryan W. McMaken on May 21, 2010 06:53 AM
Drudge and the conservative press is accusing Calderon of “meddling” in American affairs. This is a factually true statement of course, but the unintentional irony of this accusation is almost beyond compare.
For the Americans to accuse the Mexicans of meddling in American affairs is the equivalent of the British complaining that the Irish are oppressing them. Back when Pat Buchanan suggested that the United States should invade Mexico to “fix” the immigration problem, that was heroic to the conservatives. When Mexico sougt to partially decriminalize drugs to lesson its gang problem, the US turned the screws on them lest they dare not conform to the War on Drugs, which involves daily American meddling in Mexican affairs. The conservatives think this is fine.
Calderon is your typical politician, and among other things, suggested that gun control be increased in the US to help in his losing war against the cartels.Yeah, banning drugs has created a disaster. So ban guns too. That’s clearly the best solution.
Calderon, do something good for your country. Expel all American agents from your country, legalize drugs, engage in free trade with all and stop attending ridiculous state dinners for the hyper-rich ruling classes of America. Then you might actually have done something decent in your career for your people.
I read that the other day. Just because they invested in the building of the power plant doesn't mean they have any controlling interest. People that own stock in UPS don't get to run UPS.
And CA can still have contracts with APS or SRP or any of the other companies involved to provide more electricity over and above what CA gets from their share. So yes, contracts can be renegotiated or cancelled if deemed necessary. CA can rely on their controlling percentages alone, if it is enough. Can we say brown-outs.Well, ownership or part ownership is different from just being a shareholder.
If the Energy Company itself says, Califonia are owners and it's not possible to cut them off. And no energy contracts exist, (you don't make energy contracts with your own company), then that should tell you enough.
Lets say you bought 1/3 of a hotel, you own 1/3 of all the rooms.
They can't deny you access to your own rooms.