Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Finally someone speaks the truth!

Warning, what you are about to hear will shock you!

In fact I would like to personally thank Tom McClintock for summing up what many true Americans believe about this issue in 5 minutes!!!


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Finally someone speaks the truth!

Warning, what you are about to hear will shock you!

In fact I would like to personally thank Tom McClintock for summing up what many true Americans believe about this issue in 5 minutes!!!

Thanks tony for the excellent video. How refreshing to see a govt official standing up to our corrupt administration and saying what all true Americans feel. Lets hope there will be more like Tom McClintock to step up to the plate.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
great video. very well spoken. Did he have a teleprompter? Appeared to be a few notes, and spoken from the heart.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
great video. very well spoken. Did he have a teleprompter? Appeared to be a few notes, and spoken from the heart.

You know what....It was heartfelt! You can tell he actually meant what he was saying.

He ran against Arnold for Gov here in CA, toooooooo bad he didn't make it as CA is not in good shape!:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Exactly! That's what I was talking about. I just needed someone to confirm it. It seems that you guys don't even care what the law says, or what it does. You're just pointing fingers on the current Federal Administration using SB1070 (With its modifications). That's what I perceive in many of these posts, if not all of them. You've mixed this political garbage between two groups fighting for power with how this law could work or how it doesn't; you're between this fight and can't see what is around it.

I've already read what's in the link before you placed here, and I've even read more than that. And still, I can't see why you're so assure that there's already a Federal Law like SB1070 with its modifications. I still want to see that Federal Law you proclaim is the same as SB1070. If you're saying that SB1070, with its modifications of course, reinforces Federal Law, then that's a different story. The thing here is how it reinforces it, not that it reinforces it. Um... How dare can you insult our Constitution by saying that it does not have anti-profiling, saying that it does not protect people from being victims of profiling or racism. Our Constitution protects all people under every jurisdiction with the same individual rights under law. See? You're still wrong in saying that HB2162 "protects legal citizens from profiling and possible... blah blah blah." You should have said the same thing but instead of "legal citizens" you should have mention "any person living under our jurisdiction." That would sound a little better for HB2162 in your statement.

Now here we go:

For any lawful contact (Um... I don't wanna' talk about this one:surprised:) stop, detention or arrest made by a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of this state or a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state in the enforcement of any other law or ordinance of a county, city or town or this state where reasonable suspicion (Doesn't this depend more on the Police Officer than anyone else? I wonder how they'd be trained to have reasonable suspicion on an illegal alien. Well, at least we have your kind words dear Gov. Brewer to protect people from being racial profiled) exists that the person is an alien who and (I don't see much of a change for better, someone explain that to me please, seriously) is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation. Any person who is arrested shall have the person's immigration status determined before the person is released. The person's immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c). A law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may not solely (Isn't this racist? You're saying that you will not consider only race, color, or national origin, but you still will consider them as of implementing the law) consider race, color or national origin in implementing the requirements of this subsection except to the extent permitted by the United States or Arizona Constitution (Now, it doesn't matter if you say as to the extent permitted by the United States Constitution or Arizona's, because you've just broke that extent by saying you will consider race, color, or national origin). A person is presumed to not be an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States if the person provides to the law enforcement officer or agency any of the following... blah blah blah.

Now, you will say: "But, that's already modify, it doesn't apply to this anymore." And I say now, who the heck with an IQ of 20 signs this stupidity? Or did Arpaio wrote this thing? And then they paid a private lawyer to modify it? I wonder what that lawyer said: "Umm.... Well.... That's all I can do with it. But, I recommend you start from scratch..." Arpaio: Oh shut up! It's perfect, you've already hurt much of it."

How can this thread not be political, the law, any law, is political.

The modification was to place addition assurances that racial profiling would not be an issue. After passing and signing 1070, the governor and state lawyers saw that there were gaps in protection of legal citizens from profiling and possible investigation with out probable cause or suspicions. HB2162 filled those gaps.

There is indeed a federal law...

They did not say the AZ was exactly identical, what was said is the AZ mirrors the Fed Law, not the same thing. If fact the AZ law has the anti-profiling language and the fed law does not.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes I could tell he meant what he said, it didnt have to be written down. I wish I could articulate that way. We need more guys like this to choose from. No hatred, no malice, just this is how it is and if you want to be here, this should be why. Period. No politics, just the facts.


Well-Known Member
Didn't I mention something like this on a past thread: "Also Mr. Calderon shouldn't be sticking his nose about American laws. But, I agree on his comment about racial profile or whatever you guys call it. But, that's something the US has to deal with, since I don't think Mr. Calderon knows the principles of the Constitution of the United States."

I agree with many things Congressman Tom McClintock said. He really knows how to talk and put his views on the table really well, not like Mrs. Brewer. But, I wonder if he has read the law (No offense for anyone), just a curiosity.

Finally someone speaks the truth!

Warning, what you are about to hear will shock you!

In fact I would like to personally thank Tom McClintock for summing up what many true Americans believe about this issue in 5 minutes!!!



Mrs. Brewer I don't think just because you get a survey of 70% of people that agrees to law SB1070, that means that the law is constitutional, besides I don't know if you've seen the other numbers, but anyways. Listen, I'm not with any political party, neither Democrats nor Republicans. I don't even like politics. But, I believe in the principles of our Constitution. I see that this debate in here has been more of a political fight. I agree with Brewer on one thing. And that is, we should secure the border about illegal drugs and crimes. But, what does illegal immigration has to do with drug cartels? Really, we've been mixing things up; well not us, them. Also Mr. Calderon shouldn't be sticking his nose about American laws. But, I agree on his comment about racial profile or whatever you guys call it. But, that's something the US has to deal with, since I don't think Mr. Calderon knows the principles of the Constitution of the United States. About Mrs. Brewer, she is just a puppet of this guy Sheriff Mr. Arpaio. Time will show what I'm talking about. I've always seen these type of individuals fail. When this happens I'll go take a look at the Grand Canyon. I know most of you have a different opinion. But, that's just my perspective looking at a different angle out of all this political turmoil you're submerged to.

Oooooh gooody. Another Klein. hehehhehe Arpaio doesn't need a puppet. Would you care to be a little more specific on which individual you think will fail. Arpaio? Not hardly. He has been reelected more times than I can remember and will be again. Brewer? Wanna bet if she runs for Govenor for the next term that she gets elected? I'll take your bet. I will vote for her and I bet she wins it. Arizonans are sick and tired of the bullschiiit that is going on. Go back to your little world and watch the scenery through your rose colored glasses.


Für Meno :)
As if no US president was ever on foriegn soil, and not bringing up issues such as human rights,set low currency, etc. iE. China.

Or does freedom of speech for visitors to the US don't apply ?


Finally someone speaks the truth!

Warning, what you are about to hear will shock you!

In fact I would like to personally thank Tom McClintock for summing up what many true Americans believe about this issue in 5 minutes!!!


I love that man. I wanna kiss that man. :blushing:

Thanks Tony. Great video, couldn't have said it better. Literally........................................... I couldn't have said it better. :bow:He's my hero..............


Didn't I mention something like this on a past thread: "Also Mr. Calderon shouldn't be sticking his nose about American laws. But, I agree on his comment about racial profile or whatever you guys call it. But, that's something the US has to deal with, since I don't think Mr. Calderon knows the principles of the Constitution of the United States."

I agree with many things Congressman Tom McClintock said. He really knows how to talk and put his views on the table really well, not like Mrs. Brewer. But, I wonder if he has read the law (No offense for anyone), just a curiosity.

You keep saying threads. What you said and what I am saying now, these are posts. "Arizona's anti-immigration law......", that is the thread.


As if no US president was ever on foriegn soil, and not bringing up issues such as human rights,set low currency, etc. iE. China.

Or does freedom of speech for visitors to the US don't apply ?

Calderon is NOT a U.S. citizen. No, they don't apply, but he was a guest here and we at least have a modicum of manners. I bet, if the roles were reversed, things would have been very different. Calderon would never have tolerated such an agregious statement about Mexico to be aired to the Mexican people.


Für Meno :)
Calderon is NOT a U.S. citizen. No, they don't apply, but he was a guest here and we at least have a modicum of manners. I bet, if the roles were reversed, things would have been very different. Calderon would never have tolerated such an agregious statement about Mexico to be aired to the Mexican people.

Maybe you should watch the full speech he made. He wants to stop migration to the US, too. It's a problem he said. That the US and Mexico both need to work together on.
And that he wants to create more jobs in Mexico, and keep his citizens from leaving.
I thought he made a great speech.


Maybe you should watch the full speech he made. He wants to stop migration to the US, too. It's a problem he said. That the US and Mexico both need to work together on.
I thought he made a great speech.

Maybe I should watch it. Probably not going to happen..........................................


Well-Known Member
Another person submerged too much on political fights. Listen, I never said they will fail on their political run, oh no! I'm not into that kind of things. He has been reelected since 1992, 5 terms in a row, just so you remember, and don't say I'm the one submerged into this political stuff you've been making, just because I gave you the fact. Time will speak for me, I said they will fail, I've never said on terms of election or power. But, just remember "kinofbrown" when that time passes by.

Oooooh gooody. Another Klein. hehehhehe Arpaio doesn't need a puppet. Would you care to be a little more specific on which individual you think will fail. Arpaio? Not hardly. He has been reelected more times than I can remember and will be again. Brewer? Wanna bet if she runs for Govenor for the next term that she gets elected? I'll take your bet. I will vote for her and I bet she wins it. Arizonans are sick and tired of the bullschiiit that is going on. Go back to your little world and watch the scenery through your rose colored glasses.


Another person submerged too much on political fights. Listen, I never said they will fail on their political run, oh no! I'm not into that kind of things. He has been reelected since 1992, 5 terms in a row, just so you remember, and don't say I'm the one submerged into this political stuff you've been making, just because I gave you the fact. Time will speak for me, I said they will fail, I've never said on terms of election or power. But, just remember "kinofbrown" when that time passes by.

KoB, what are 'they' going to fail at and who are 'they'? You are making an open ended statement and not qualifying what you are talking about.