Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Well-Known Member
Oh thanks a lot for that. I really appreciate it, with no hard feelings or anything, really. I like to learn new things everyday. Now, that you're talking about the thread "Arizona's anti-immigration law..." Shouldn't it be changed to "Arizona's Anti-Illegal Immigration Law." Now that you just brought that in, is a thought that passed by my mind. Please feel free to correct me on my grammar or whatever you see wrong. If you see too many errors and are not in the mood to point them out you're free to just ignore them, too. Thanks.

You keep saying threads. What you said and what I am saying now, these are posts. "Arizona's anti-immigration law......", that is the thread.


It will just piss you off...especially when all the Liberal democrats stand up and applaud...just sick.

That is exactly why I won't watch it. Yelling and screaming at Calderon through my TV accomplishes nothing and may cost me more than I want. I like my tv.


Well-Known Member
They will fail on these type of laws. What are we talking about? Isn't this... um... thread about the law SB1070?

KoB, what are 'they' going to fail at and who are 'they'? You are making an open ended statement and not qualifying what you are talking about.


Oh thanks a lot for that. I really appreciate it, with no hard feelings or anything, really. I like to learn new things everyday. Now, that you're talking about the thread "Arizona's anti-immigration law..." Shouldn't it be changed to "Arizona's Anti-Illegal Immigration Law." Now that you just brought that in, is a thought that passed by my mind. Please feel free to correct me on my grammar or whatever you see wrong. If you see too many errors and are not in the mood to point them out you're free to just ignore them, too. Thanks.

Actually, I would have done it thusly, "Arizona's Anti-Immigration Law.........................". You are welcome. I do what I can to improve the use of the English language. Trust me, I am not the only one.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Maybe you should watch the full speech he made. He wants to stop migration to the US, too. It's a problem he said. That the US and Mexico both need to work together on.
And that he wants to create more jobs in Mexico, and keep his citizens from leaving.
I thought he made a great speech.

What Calderon said and what he really meant are two different things.

Actions speak louder than words and his actions to tell his own people to come back to Mexico and make it a better place for all Mexicans never happens! Why would a leader of a country not fight to get his people to feel the need to stay and make their own homeland a better place?

Mexico needs a rising up by the people to overcome their plight, politicians as we all know will never make it happen unless they're like McClintock, sincere, really care and show it by their actions...

You can say Calderon made a great speech, but he is certainly full of baloney at best!

Mexico as you know is a beautiful Country with a wonderful people, they need to take ownership of it and make it better for themselves!:peaceful:


KoB, where are you from? Just curious. Google 'Urban Dictionary' (UD). Search 'dilligaf' in the UD. You will get your answer as to what it means. I would tell you but I would have to edit it (Tony's watching - hi Tony :happy-very:) and it loses something in translation. :wink2:


Well-Known Member
No, I was talking about the word "Jibberish."

KoB, where are you from? Just curious. Google 'Urban Dictionary' (UD). Search 'dilligaf' in the UD. You will get your answer as to what it means. I would tell you but I would have to edit it (Tony's watching - hi Tony :happy-very:) and it loses something in translation. :wink2:


Strength through joy
It is well established that ICE, CBP (Customs & Border Protection) are specifically empowered to search travelers and their belongings within 100 miles of a border/coast without probable cause or a warrant.
These searches are specifically exempted from the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement. Pursuant to this authority, CBP/ICE may generally stop and search the property of any traveler entering or exiting the United States at random, or even based largely on ethnic profiles.

In the Supreme Court decision, United States v. Montoya de Hernandez, 473 U.S. 531, 538 (1985) the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled that “travelers may be stopped [and searched] at . . . the border without individualized suspicion even if the stop [or search] is based largely on ethnicity.“) (citing United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, 428 U.S. 543, 562-563(1976)).
Critics of Arizona’s law state that state & local police have no authority to detain and ask people about their immigration status. THEY ARE WRONG!
In Mueller v. Mena, 544 U.S. 93 (2005), SCOTUS ruled UNAMIMOUSLY that state & local law enforcement officers may indeed ask about the immigration status of detained persons.
In Gonzales v. City of Peoria, 722 F2d 468, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that local law enforcement officers are permitted to enforce criminal provisions of the Immigration and Naturalization Act.
Further rebuttal of claims that local/state police lack of authority can be found in a Department of Justice memo of April 3, 2002 which concludes that “states have an inherent power, subject to federal preemption, to make arrests for violation of federal law”. That memo continues to be in effect as of this writing.

Obama has illegally ordered Homeland Security employees and leaders to ignore the oath they swore when they took office to enforce the laws of our country. Among them is John Morton, assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who said that his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities