You really have issues Cowboy. Please define to me the word Discrimination. Then, I think you’d be able to talk. You know how that statement about “discrimination against illegals from Mexico is not racism” started. It’d be interesting if you would accept that you were the one that started with the “dampbacks” or “wetguys” or whatever word. Look for the ******** those little stars are the word, and you hid it in a reply, on page 32, you didn’t get away with that one Texan. They banned it from the thread. It’s not about typing slowly, it’s about typing rationally. If you type slowly, we won’t be able to see that, come on…

I know the difference between Race and National Origin, but I don’t use that as an excuse to not categorize any prejudice towards an Ethnicity. As if illegals don’t have any race… That’s your logic. You haven’t mentioned religion Cowboy, you just gave an irrational statement about discrimination. And I won’t tell you more about that because you won’t be able to see the absurdity of your definition about discrimination. I don’t care what are your religious beliefs, your favorite food, your sexual preferences, or whatever about your personal life. So don’t make a big deal out of one word.
You must have put the word religion in for a reason, whatever. LOL, and making a big deal out of one word seems to be you specialty. Here's one word that describes you, hypocrite. anyway, back on topic.
No excuse, just my use of the words race and national origin in this thread, or anytime I use them. If this doesn't fit you use of them, sorry.
Race: (for definition purposes; people belonging to a specific ethnicity such as
: Hispanic

f, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in
the United States
especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin).
Nationality: citizens of a given country or nation. This includes people of any ethnicity living or coming from a given country or nation.
Mexico, just as the US, has people of all races(ethnicity), they are either Mexican citizens or US citizens.There are white Mexicans, black Mexicans, Mexicans of German decent, none of which are Hispanic.
Is't pretty simple, prejudice toward anyone because of their ethnicity is wrong. However, SB1070 addresses illegal immigrants of ANY nationality that does not have the proper papers to be in the US, just the same as US law does, regardless of the individuals ethnicity. This is what I have been saying all along.
Sorry, not racist. Nationalist, yes...racist nope.
There are many Americans that are of Mexican decent, if these people are discriminated against for the reason of that ancestry then that is racism(2nd) Discrimination against illegals from Mexico is not racism(3rd) Texan, I don‘t know if you can read, and if you know the definition of “Discrimination.“ What do you mean by discrimination against illegals from Mexico? I’m reading between the sentences.
That's your problem, you read things that are not there. Just read the words, all of them. There is nothing between the sentences except blank background.
When you put a period you let one idea concluded, and the next sentence goes along with the past one. You know that, don’t you?
Oh, now this is cherry, lol. YOU are lecturing ME on sentence and paragraph structure? what a huge laugh.
If these people (Illegals from Mexico) are
discriminated because of their ancestry or Ethnicity that is racism too, Cowboy.
That's what I have been saying, DippyDoDawg. Look, I am not saying it is OK to discriminate against anyone, just showing that there is a difference between Mexicans (from Mexico) and Hispanics(from all over the globe)
That’s where illegals immigrants rights come to the scene. Your third sentence would be right if it was to be written as the second.
Wrong again DDD, My third sentence is fine as I typed it. Discrimination against illegals from Mexico is not racism, it is based on where they are from not their ethnicity. I didn't say it was OK, just that it was not racism.
Please don’t use Nationalism as a means to mask racism, it’s not logical.
What is illogical is to think they are the same.
There are black, white, Caucasian, and the mostly suspicious brownies, all of them Hispanics or Mexican illegals.
They can be Hispanics, yea.
You left a few out though, there are also black, white, Caucasian and darker skinned people that are from Mexico but are NOT Hispanic. People from these groups can be illegal immigrants as well. SB1070 includes those people.
And remember is not only about Latinos or Hispanics, as bbsam stated to you.
Enforcing immigration laws is not discrimination Depends on how you enforce them, and that‘s the main point we all haven‘t been able to get through because of all these big deals you make
Ahhhh, we may be getting somewhere, but maybe not. Does it depend on "how" the law is enforced or what the law says? The answer to this question is pivotal.
Put you race card back in your pocket, you will want it again. and again and again.
Ya see, that is why I won’t be next. I carry my DL (government photo ID) with me, everywhere I go. And here is a news flash for you, it’s NOTHING new. This has been the norm since way before you were born and the burden of proof is always going to be around. Nice try DippyDoDawg, that is NOT what I was guessing about. If you don’t know that you do need help. I was “guessing” on the reason for removing the word “solely” from the text of the law because they new idiots would try the twist that to construe profiling was to be condoned.
You totally can’t see beyond your little circle.
What little circle are you talking about?
Give more power to police. I hope it never gets to the point where these type of laws will be the reason that’ll make open your eyes. No one would try to twist nothing, the law itself is very explanatory of its prejudice, that‘s why they made all the changes, because they got afraid.
Here ya go gain, making crap up. Is the law prejudiced NOW(if so, what part?), or was it just before they changed it?
Even the attorneys recommended Ms. Brewer not to sign it.
What attorney's? Source please.
If it means what I think it does, you are unwilling to accept any point of view than you own? If that is the case, why am I wasting my time?
What does it mean, Cowboy? And yes, no irrational points of view. I won’t never understand how in the world people from other nations don’t have a race. And don’t say I’m the irrational one, I’m just repeating your perspective.
Actually you are misreading my perspective. I didn't say you were irrational, I said you were illogical because you are. Of course people of all nations have a race,(everyone has a race) but it isn't always the same as their race (ethnicity). Tell me something, do you consider Amrican as a race?
If you don’t understand the word discrimination, then you won’t be able to debate about the stupid law SB1070. May be you’d be a heck of a good governor of Arizona. Or a Sheriff may be.
Since I know you won’t look it up, I wonder if someone could pull out the definition of the word “Discrimination.” [/-]
Already replied to this nonsense.