Oh, no my friend. It’s not because it’s a losing argument. Believe me, they don’t want to use the “reasonable suspicion” argument because it would not be a wise “political” move, but mostly, it seems it would not be prudent for them to open that nest of bigotry, when they got something clearer to fight with. The Cowboy got that “unconstitutional argument” earlier than you. And I mentioned it earlier than the Cowboy, with an already anwered question I asked to him. I’m not so sure like you, that think that the Federal Government will win or lose with such an argument. However, the Federal Government had a similar lawsuit against California not a long time ago, which they (The Feds) won. The thing here is that you guys don’t understand that there’s no past law, or a similar one, that you can compare with SB1070. No law in the United States allows a Police Officer to have Probable Cause to search a Reasonable Suspect of illegal immigration, or his/her house, without a warrant. And several other aspects. Or please point it to me, if I’m missing it. And it seems you couldn’t give a solid argument about that “suspicious” reporter, because we all know he would be considered a “Suspect” in the Sheriff’s county, don’t you?