Arizona's anti-imigration law...



Maybe we should just adopt the same policies that Mexico has towards illegal immigrants. I am not linking up anything, research it yourself if you are not familiar with what I am talking about.
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Well-Known Member
Do you know how many languages are spoken in your state, although English is the official state language?

From what I've seen, I don't think Texas has a good education about our Constitution and our Founding Fathers. Haven't you noticed the unfamiliarity from the Texan about our Constitution here? Well, who knows, maybe Texas must be that good, only that the Cowboy might have been a bad student out of every 50 or 100 or 1,000. Or you might be implying that State History and Government are Politics.

Exactly! - To make a point about education - the Republican candidates in Arizona for Superintendent of Public Instruction strongly support an "English Immersion Program". Basically, no more classes being taught for English as a second language. Also the candidate that I am supporting will require students to pass a test on our Constitution and founding fathers. My wife was educated in Texas and Texas has probably the best overall K-12 programs in the country. If you are educated in Texas, you learn more about state history and government than any other state. Each state should adopt these principles.
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oh by the way, klein went running to part time stewie to try to get him pissed off about my seemingly insensitive comments about the illegal irish immigrants. Well Klein , I was just trying to throw a change up and remove the emotionalism of using the term "illegal mexican immigrants". I graduated high school in the 80s, the issue of illegal irish immigration was long long looooooooooong past even then.

Also klein, I took you off my "ignore list" . Even when you were on my list, I found myself repeatedly looking behind the curtain to see what "gem" you managed to leave in the toilet bowl of your post. Sort of like pulling back the blanket to look at a dead body, you know what's behind it, you know it's going to disgust you, but you still look. You are still on my "ignoramus" list however.


Well-Known Member
Arpaio again.

That piece suggested with all kinds of documentation that the Donahoe affair was a
politically motivated attempt to, at the least, ruin the reputation of a respected judge who, God forbid, had ruled against Sheriff Joe and then-County Attorney Andy Thomas (yeah, that's him in the photo) in several instances on what seem to have been solid legal grounds.
Klein, I don't know where you get the idea that we (citizens of the USA) have just now started advocating the prevention and removal of illegal immigrants. I can not remember a time in my life when the subject was not active in this area where I have lived for 60 years. The problem is not new to us here, but most politicians would never do anything about the influx of illegals for various reasons. However in the last 10-20 years the problem has advanced exponentially to an unsustainable level. The push to "now" do something was spurred by the frustrations of the citizens of Arizona and their courageous Governor with SB1070. Not a prefect law by any means, however not the evil constitutional violating document it is played up to be either. More laws need to be passed limiting the opportunities and the attractiveness of the USA for illegal immigrants, regardless of their national origin.


Can't blame them. Have you looked at their neighbors to the south and beyond of them ?

Can the United States use the same reasoning based on looking at what is south of them as well?

And perhaps we should adopt some of Canada's policies as well. I understand that if one had a D.U.I. charge (even years ago) that one can not enter Canada. Tell me Klein, if the United States had reciprocated , would you be able to enter the country just south of you?? Hmmmm. (be careful with your answer, I may be like a lawyer who already knows the sordid details.....evil laughter)
Do you know how many languages are spoken in your state, although English is the official state language?

From what I've seen, I don't think Texas has a good education about our Constitution and our Founding Fathers. Haven't you noticed the unfamiliarity from the Texan about our Constitution here? Well, who knows, maybe Texas must be that good, only that the Cowboy might have been a bad student out of every 50 or 100 or 1,000. Or you might be implying that State History and Government are Politics.
Actually Texas does have a pretty good overall education system. Please don't judge a system by me, I have never claimed to be an education superstar or an expert on anything. Unfortunately, I had to quit school before finishing and before having the opportunity to take Civics Class in HS, I chose to work and support my family instead of relying on the government to do so. I've been working since I was 13 years old for my spending money and raising my children since I was 17. Never took a dime from anyone that I did not earn or pay back on loans that I arranged for. So, if my immediate recall of certain materials isn't up to your par, that is your problem, not mine. Further more, I don't find your education level all that elevated either, seems you may have "played hookie" from a few of youe "English as a second language" classes. Regardless, I don't see how any of this applies to SB1070 and the illegal immigration problems in the USA.

Also, have you ever spent any time in Texas? Have you ever had contact with any Texans other than myself?
Arpaio again.

That piece suggested with all kinds of documentation that the Donahoe affair was a
politically motivated attempt to, at the least, ruin the reputation of a respected judge who, God forbid, had ruled against Sheriff Joe and then-County Attorney Andy Thomas (yeah, that's him in the photo) in several instances on what seem to have been solid legal grounds.
Oh here is another jewel you have uncovered. A politically charged opinion piece from a left leaning biased news rag, claiming someone was doing something "politically motivated" on the right side . HAHAHA...Pot meet kettle. And yet, you claim to not be political....yea right.
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Well-Known Member
Well, well, well, well. I almost cried by reading your early life. It made me feel something similar like when reading “Of Mice and Men” from John Steinbeck. I don’t know if you’d be George or Lennie, though. Now, I understand your unfamiliarity with our Constitution and our Founding Fathers, because in my experience the High School years are the ones where you grasp the principles of our laws the most. I just needed you to confirm it, thank you to share your lack of knowledge on our Bill of Rights. I don’t care about your personal life and what you had to do because you had a family to support at an early age; I was more into your unfamiliarity with our Constitution. However, I also started working full-time since an early age, but not because of that I quit school, or made up excuses to quit my education. By the way who the hell gave you a job when you were a child? Because those type of violations (unless you got a job before 1938) might be the whole root of the illegal immigration problem.
I don’t care what you think about my writing of the language, I don’t think you have a great level of writing to criticize other people’s. And it’s a shame, since English is your native and only language. But keep criticizing it; I see that’s the only tool you got. LOL.
From now on, I’ll have more consideration on your lack of education when we talk about our Constitution. However, it’s never too late; you can take a reading to at least our Bill of Rights, Texan. Oh, by the way, I don’t judge Texas just because of you, that’ why I said: Well, who knows, maybe Texas must be that good, only that the Cowboy might have been a bad student out of every 50 or 100 or 1,000. And from what I’ve seen, if I’m not wrong, George Jr. is a Texan and he doesn’t have a very good grasp of our Constitution, either, you two might be an exception I guess. Long live the Lone Star State!

PS Please don’t say I’m a Democrat because I mentioned Junior.
Actually Texas does have a pretty good overall education system. Please don't judge a system by me, I have never claimed to be an education superstar or an expert on anything. Unfortunately, I had to quit school before finishing and before having the opportunity to take Civics Class in HS, I chose to work and support my family instead of relying on the government to do so. I've been working since I was 13 years old for my spending money and raising my children since I was 17. Never took a dime from anyone that I did not earn or pay back on loans that I arranged for. So, if my immediate recall of certain materials isn't up to your par, that is your problem, not mine. Further more, I don't find your education level all that elevated either, seems you may have "played hookie" from a few of youe "English as a second language" classes. Regardless, I don't see how any of this applies to SB1070 and the illegal immigration problems in the USA.

Also, have you ever spent any time in Texas? Have you ever had contact with any Texans other than myself?


Well-Known Member
Is it? LOL. How much money are you giving, Texan? LOL.

Oh here is another jewel you have uncovered. A politically charged opinion piece from a left leaning biased news rag, claiming someone was doing something "politically motivated" on the right side . HAHAHA...Pot meet kettle. And yet, you claim to not be political....yea right.


Well-Known Member
I keep imagining Sheriff Joe holding a press conference announcing that he has started fortifying Maricopa County to hold off federal or state intervention. Perhaps he’ll begin stockpiling nuclear weapons as well. Could this be the start of secession? Will Maricopa County become its own state? Its own country? If that happens, I’m formally announcing that I’m moving elsewhere.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Blue Dog Dem's TV ad hits Obama as part of "Washington crowd"

Strikingly, Donnelly's ad appears to hint that Obama and Dems don't oppose people getting "rewarded for breaking the law."
Donnelly rattles off all the tough measures he's taken against illegal immigration, explaining them this way:
"Because no one should be ever rewarded for breaking the law. That may not be what the Washington crowd wants. But I don't work for them. I work for you."


Strength through joy
LaredoGate: How High Does The Cover-up Go?

A 5 part series as evidence is released showing a cover-up
1. Evidence Released Shows National Cover-up Of Los Zetas Ranch Seizures
2. The Internet Explodes As Los Zetas Story Ignites
3. Retract, Retract, Retract – A Concerted Effort To Shut The Story Down
4. Vicious Attacks And Outright Lies About Authors And Facts
5. Who Is Behind The Cover-up And Why?
Original Stories in LaredoGate | A Digger’s Realm Exclusive
| Original Breaking Story | Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters |
| Update Day After Story Broke | ALIPAC Tries To Raise Money Off Story |