Actually Texas does have a pretty good overall education system. Please don't judge a system by me, I have never claimed to be an education superstar or an expert on anything. Unfortunately, I had to quit school before finishing and before having the opportunity to take Civics Class in HS, I chose to work and support my family instead of relying on the government to do so. I've been working since I was 13 years old for my spending money and raising my children since I was 17. Never took a dime from anyone that I did not earn or pay back on loans that I arranged for. So, if my immediate recall of certain materials isn't up to your par, that is your problem, not mine. Further more, I don't find your education level all that elevated either, seems you may have "played hookie" from a few of youe "English as a second language" classes. Regardless, I don't see how any of this applies to SB1070 and the illegal immigration problems in the USA.
Also, have you ever spent any time in Texas? Have you ever had contact with any Texans other than myself?