Arizona's anti-imigration law...

This is the wrong thing about you, Cowboy. You just say "That's not what it implies." "It would be a waste of time trying to explain it to you." etc. etc. etc. I'd really love you to take the time to corroborate your claims in the future, Texan.
I wasn't talking to you, so what do you care? You have no idea what I am even talking about. You don't know why I said what I did to Klein.
I realize the states have to subsidize education on top of property taxes, just like here.
So, those illegals pay state sales tax, which some of that flows into education.
They might not pay income taxes, and therfor not state income taxes. So, they save 5 cents on the dollar, that the normal taxpayer has to pay for.
Thats a very small price, not to rob kids from education.
I'm not sure what you mean with " states have to subsidize education on top of property taxes", truth is most school systems used to operate on the tax dollars from their own county's property taxes, that's when ISD truly meant independent school districts. However the State also provided $$ to the ISDs because some counties didn't have enough income for prop. taxes alone. Some of the money does indeed come from the sales tax, a relatively small % though. All this money not only helps pay for building, teaches and books, but also for special ed classes. The State of Texas does not have an income tax. What it comes down to is everyone has to pay school taxes, even the ones that never have nor never will have children in school. So everone has to pay more taxes to accommodate the children of illegal immigrants. Without the vast numbers of illegal's children, the State of Texas alone would not need as many schools, teachers, principals, support staff , books, free breakfast and lunches, etc.( BTW, the free meals are only provided for low income people....most of all illegals qualify) Do you really think the amount that an illegal pays in sales tax and the small protion of their rent that applies to property tax makes even a dent in the extra cost to the school systems???? Not even close. Are you aware that many, if not most, of the illegals here (in Texas) have 3,4, 5 or more children in school? In short I and every property owner in Texas has to pay more in property taxes for children to go to school here that are not even supposed to be here.

Does anyone bitch, you build schools in Iraq and Afghanistan, and even made it possible for girls to go to school now ?
You spend so richly overseas, but when it comes to your own backyard or your neighbors, humanity stops !
Just building schools in Afghanistan does not mean the girls will be allowed to go to school, I've read that a very small % of them ever get to go. I'm not too pleased about all the obscene amount money we have spent over seas for multiple reasons. I do believe that the dollars should be used to help people here in the USA.

I know the US rather not educate people. They just buy them.
Have you ever thought to ask a Canadian doctor or nurse why they are coming to the USA? I have, nearly everytime the answer was....get ready for it comes..... because the US doesn't have national health. So it appears to me that the US doesn't "buy" your doctors, your county's heath system runs them off. Not only can the doctors and nurses make more money here, the doctors and the patients get to make the decissions on the health care. Of course that is all gonna change.
Probably 40% of all your doctors, surgeons, nurses are brought in from other countries.. You sure drain Canada from them.
Actually the number of foreign physicians(from 127 counties) in the US is around 24%, so your guestimation of 40% from Canada alone is way out of proportion.
Hockey players.... 50% all from overseas and Canada.
Actors, singers, models,
Chemist, Sceintist, Physics.
I'm pretty sure all these people come here on their own free will, I doubt the USA has kidnapped any of them.
Next thing you try to claim will be that the illegals here are brought in by the USA.

You think it's fun that the rest of the world paid for their long term education, and Americans just come and "buy" them ?
First you brag about how low your cost of living is compare to the USA, then you bitch and moan because your people want to come here because you are to freakin cheap to pay them what they can make here. Make up you mind which way you want it.
You can give a little , too.
Give a little what? Until I have seen otherwise, I would say that the USA sends more money to other countries that anyone else...including Canada. So what do you want us to give? do you want us to force our people to go to Canada and work for lesser wages than they can make here?
Worldwide good education is a win , win for every country on earth. And a very small price to pay for.
Thats why it's considered the best investment any government can invest in. It's the future for all of us !


Well-Known Member
What you mean? This is your thread and nobody can read and write without your permission... or what!? You're getting your ego off limits, Cowboy.

I wasn't talking to you, so what do you care? You have no idea what I am even talking about. You don't know why I said what I did to Klein.
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Well-Known Member
See? It's nice you took my advice, you're explaining your unfounded claims better. But, you need to do better than this gibberish.

I'm not sure what you mean with " states have to subsidize education on top of property taxes", truth is most school systems used to operate on the tax dollars from their own county's property taxes, that's when ISD truly meant independent school districts. However the State also provided $$ to the ISDs because some counties didn't have enough income for prop. taxes alone. Some of the money does indeed come from the sales tax, a relatively small % though. All this money not only helps pay for building, teaches and books, but also for special ed classes. The State of Texas does not have an income tax. What it comes down to is everyone has to pay school taxes, even the ones that never have nor never will have children in school. So everone has to pay more taxes to accommodate the children of illegal immigrants. Without the vast numbers of illegal's children, the State of Texas alone would not need as many schools, teachers, principals, support staff , books, free breakfast and lunches, etc.( BTW, the free meals are only provided for low income people....most of all illegals qualify) Do you really think the amount that an illegal pays in sales tax and the small protion of their rent that applies to property tax makes even a dent in the extra cost to the school systems???? Not even close. Are you aware that many, if not most, of the illegals here (in Texas) have 3,4, 5 or more children in school? In short I and every property owner in Texas has to pay more in property taxes for children to go to school here that are not even supposed to be here.


Für Meno :)
I guess I was too fast with my doctors statement above. Since 2004, actually more Cdn doctors are returning from the US, then heading there.
I see you still believe in your fox propanga, that a Doctor can't touch us, until he gets an ok, by some majical politician out there.

It's all about the mighty dollar. That's all. Prior to about 2003, the US dollar was worth $1.50 canadian.
Thats gone now, we are pretty much at par now.
In 10 years time if things stay the same (further debt in the US, and further debt reduction in Canada), we could see $1.00 cdn, buying $1.50 US, and maybe doctors and nurses flocking north, till all the jobs are filled ?

Sofar, America still has money to spread around, and pay certain fields, more then anywhere else on this planet, (thanks to the Chinese currently). How much longer can that last ?

Back to the doctor thing :
If you ever visit a Doctors office here, that has 5 or 6 physicians in it.
You'll see they only have a max of 2 front desk employees working.
That's all they need.
No complicated insurance papers to fill out, no administration costs.
Those costs alone, made a few cdn doctors come back home, because once they subtracted the extra staff they needed to pay, wasn't really worth it.

And by no means, not saying kidnapped. People go where the money flows. It's normal.

One last thing : I have never bragged about the low cost of living here. Actually quite the opposite. We pay much more here for most goods then the US residents do.
We know that. Part of paying our taxes and healthcare. We just live with it.

Real Estate, forgot that here, too. Average 3 bedroom house (under 10 years old) $500K, in Vancouver double that to 1 MIll. 2 or 3 bedroom condos.. used.... $225-450K (again double that in Vancouver).
Rent in Edmonton : unfurnished 1 bedroom apartment $1000 per month, plus electricity, cable, and phone.

Nothing to brag about low cost of living here.

Really interessting are the prices of booze and cigs :
Beer: 24 pack of Bud, Molson or Labatts = $42.00 to $47.00 (depends where you buy)
pack of brand cigs: $12.50 to $13.50 Cig machines anywhere from $16.00 and up

Now back to those illegals in school.
What do you estimate ?
10% of all students are illegals, or 20% ?

So, a class of 22 has 2 illegals in it at 10% rate.
At 20% the class has 24 students.

You still need that teacher, the room, the school, the a/c or heat.
So, in reality, still a tiny price to pay to educate them.
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ok, i peeked at klein's post (1908), my high school had 3000 kids in it , including 9th grade to 12th. we will go with ur number 10percent , that will give me 300 illegals, that is the equivalent to 10 extra classrooms a day that each need a teacher in attendance.

And How many extra "english as a second language" classes do u need when u have illegals in the school system? Those are classrooms spaces that need to be created. U act like the schools already exist? Do u know how many new schools are being created to handle the illegals adding to the numbers?

Actually using my high school was a bad example, because by grade ten, most of the illegals have dropped out. Those goshdarn illegal Irish immigrants, they can't seem to get past the hurdle of tenth grade.

If u want to educate them so badly without the american brainwashing, can we send them directly to ur country?


Für Meno :)
ok, i peeked at klein's post (1908), my high school had 3000 kids in it , including 9th grade to 12th. we will go with ur number 10percent , that will give me 300 illegals, that is the equivalent to 10 extra classrooms a day that each need a teacher in attendance.

And How many extra "english as a second language" classes do u need when u have illegals in the school system? Those are classrooms spaces that need to be created. U act like the schools already exist? Do u know how many new schools are being created to handle the illegals adding to the numbers?

Actually using my high school was a bad example, because by grade ten, most of the illegals have dropped out. Those goshdarn illegal Irish immigrants, they can't seem to get past the hurdle of tenth grade.

If u want to educate them so badly without the american brainwashing, can we send them directly to ur country?

And what are the costs if these illegals never get deported and are sometime later granted Amnesty (say, because they can prove they been in the USA for over 10 years as example) ?
Now, you would have all these non educated people, that will never get a decent job or none at all.
And they can never constribute back to the american society (taxes), and basically become a lifetime burden (and some will choose crime for a living).
Even, if these then educated illegals do get deportet later, isn't it better for them to go back home, be educated and have a chance to earn a living ?
These kids didn't come on their own. Their parents smuggled them in. They are innocent children, that harmed no one.
Wouldn't it be cruel to rob these innocent little ones from education and basically screw up thier entire future life ?
Atleast educate them until deportation hearings are made, or Immigration laws are changed and enforced.

Is there any 1 single american politician out there, that can predict what will happen, in the future, to all these long term illegal residents in America ?
One thing is certain, you won't deport them all.

Most of you post, they need to learn english, and live like an american. How can they do that, if on the other hand you want to deny them school/education ?

Face it, I'm not throughly happy with all the new legal immigrants comming to Canada (Asians, Pakistanies, Africans, etc).
But, even I admit, I can see the way they are developing.
It's the first, and mostly 2nd generation that doesn't adapt to our society.
But, by the 3rd generation, most lose the Turban, Veils, and are just like us. Eat our junkfood, too (mac donalds, etc). Some even lost their homeland language, like many of us that had/have ancestors originally from Europe or somewhere else.

In closing, and once again :
If you don't educate them, a larger cost is facing the american tax payer and society in the near future (it only takes just over a decade to go thru the school system).
If you do, and they get jobs, they will pay those education costs back in no time.

And pick-up : They have chosen America for a place to live, so for Canada to educate them is irrelevant.
They are in the US, and either you let those illegal children and teenagers wonder the streets during school hrs, or you educate them, and give them a chance in life.
That's the decision the American people and American politicians need to make, and it's definitly not an easy one.
Unless, the solution is just to round up all illegals , (no exemptions), and deport them all.
But, until such a law like that comes into effect, I would say give these innocent children a chance in life and educate them.
And what are the costs if these illegals never get deported and are sometime later granted Amnesty (say, because they can prove they been in the USA for over 10 years as example) ?
Now, you would have all these non educated people, that will never get a decent job or none at all.
And they can never constribute back to the american society (taxes), and basically become a lifetime burden (and some will choose crime for a living).
Even, if these then educated illegals do get deportet later, isn't it better for them to go back home, be educated and have a chance to earn a living ?
These kids didn't come on their own. Their parents smuggled them in. They are innocent children, that harmed no one.
Wouldn't it be cruel to rob these innocent little ones from education and basically screw up thier entire future life ?
Atleast educate them until deportation hearings are made, or Immigration laws are changed and enforced.

Is there any 1 single american politician out there, that can predict what will happen, in the future, to all these long term illegal residents in America ?
One thing is certain, you won't deport them all.

Most of you post, they need to learn english, and live like an american. How can they do that, if on the other hand you want to deny them school/education ?

Face it, I'm not throughly happy with all the new legal immigrants comming to Canada (Asians, Pakistanies, Africans, etc).
But, even I admit, I can see the way they are developing.
It's the first, and mostly 2nd generation that doesn't adapt to our society.
But, by the 3rd generation, most lose the Turban, Veils, and are just like us. Eat our junkfood, too (mac donalds, etc). Some even lost their homeland language, like many of us that had/have ancestors originally from Europe or somewhere else.

In closing, and once again :
If you don't educate them, a larger cost is facing the american tax payer and society in the near future (it only takes just over a decade to go thru the school system).
If you do, and they get jobs, they will pay those education costs back in no time.

And pick-up : They have chosen America for a place to live, so for Canada to educate them is irrelevant.
They are in the US, and either you let those illegal children and teenagers wonder the streets during school hrs, or you educate them, and give them a chance in life.
That's the decision the American people and American politicians need to make, and it's definitly not an easy one.
Unless, the solution is just to round up all illegals , (no exemptions), and deport them all.
But, until such a law like that comes into effect, I would say give these innocent children a chance in life and educate them.

You like kids. We`ll send them to live with you.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I've asked myself that repeatedly.

why in the hell do I even bother?

Exactly! - To make a point about education - the Republican candidates in Arizona for Superintendent of Public Instruction strongly support an "English Immersion Program". Basically, no more classes being taught for English as a second language. Also the candidate that I am supporting will require students to pass a test on our Constitution and founding fathers. My wife was educated in Texas and Texas has probably the best overall K-12 programs in the country. If you are educated in Texas, you learn more about state history and government than any other state. Each state should adopt these principles.


Well-Known Member
Most of us are here due to our ancestors immigrating here.But the difference is that they came here legally and worked there AZZES OFF,building this great counrty.They built there lives here paid there taxes did'nt take advantge of the resources that where given to them.Where I live we have a huge mexican problem all of them illegal for sure I'am tired of having to pay huge taxes when the illegal is going to the hospital ringing up a huge bill and then falling off the face of the planet.Or driving on the roads that we all pay for with no license,no insurance but yet for fear of getting sued for racial profiling the police do nothing.I'am not against anyone from any country who wants to come to this great country for a better life do it legally and PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
and what are the costs if these illegals never get deported and are sometime later granted amnesty (say, because they can prove they been in the usa for over 10 years as example) ?
Now, you would have all these non educated people, that will never get a decent job or none at all.
And they can never constribute back to the american society (taxes), and basically become a lifetime burden (and some will choose crime for a living).
Even, if these then educated illegals do get deportet later, isn't it better for them to go back home, be educated and have a chance to earn a living ?
These kids didn't come on their own. Their parents smuggled them in. They are innocent children, that harmed no one.
Wouldn't it be cruel to rob these innocent little ones from education and basically screw up thier entire future life ?
Atleast educate them until deportation hearings are made, or immigration laws are changed and enforced.

Is there any 1 single american politician out there, that can predict what will happen, in the future, to all these long term illegal residents in america ?
One thing is certain, you won't deport them all.

Most of you post, they need to learn english, and live like an american. How can they do that, if on the other hand you want to deny them school/education ?

Face it, i'm not throughly happy with all the new legal immigrants comming to canada (asians, pakistanies, africans, etc).
But, even i admit, i can see the way they are developing.
It's the first, and mostly 2nd generation that doesn't adapt to our society.
But, by the 3rd generation, most lose the turban, veils, and are just like us. Eat our junkfood, too (mac donalds, etc). Some even lost their homeland language, like many of us that had/have ancestors originally from europe or somewhere else.

In closing, and once again :
If you don't educate them, a larger cost is facing the american tax payer and society in the near future (it only takes just over a decade to go thru the school system).
If you do, and they get jobs, they will pay those education costs back in no time.

And pick-up : They have chosen america for a place to live, so for canada to educate them is irrelevant.
They are in the us, and either you let those illegal children and teenagers wonder the streets during school hrs, or you educate them, and give them a chance in life.
That's the decision the american people and american politicians need to make, and it's definitly not an easy one.
Unless, the solution is just to round up all illegals , (no exemptions), and deport them all.
But, until such a law like that comes into effect, i would say give these innocent children a chance in life and educate them.
attention all illegals canada is now open for business please see klein.thank you keiln for fixing our problem

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Some of the 12 to 20 million illegals have decided that the US is not so appealing right now because of the recession and these folks have gone to "greener pastures". We have lost quite a few in AZ for a number of reasons - no jobs - crime (they are kidnapping their own for ranson!) and now the fear of the new law.
If we continue to make it hard to be here illegally more will leave especially the leeches who expect the USA to pay for everything.

This is going to be the hardest amendment to get passed by the states but we need to get rid of the birthright citizenship policy. No more anchor babies!


Canada was the last non-U.S. holdout. Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009.

Australia's birthright citizenship requirements are much more stringent than those of H.R. 1868 and took effect in 2007.

New Zealand repealed in 2006

Ireland repealed in 2005

France repealed in 1993

India repealed in 1987

United Kingdom repealed in 1983

Portugal repealed in 1981

The United States is the laughing stock of the modern world. Only the U.S. values its citizenship so lowly as to distribute it promiscuously to the off-spring of foreign citizens visiting Disney World on tourist visas and to foreign citizens who have violated their promises on their visitor, work and student visas to stay illegally in the country, as well as to those who sneak across our borders.



Für Meno :)
attention all illegals canada is now open for business please see klein.thank you keiln for fixing our problem

Listen, you folks created your own problem, letting this go on for centuries.
Now, your scramming to get a quick-fix.
Just won't work that way.
(because many of the illegals are also very productive, from landscaping, to farming, fruit picking, to the hotel industry, and many more).

Sorry, to tell you, but up north we created so many new immingration laws in the past century, that makes it nearly impossible for any illegal immigrant to live among us.
I recall a news story, just 6 months ago, when 1 person overstayed their visa visit, and needed hospitalization.
Well, Immigration officials were called in..... wanted to instantly deport her, as soon as she felt better (without surgery).
But, I guess that wasn't possible, because otherwise she would have died.... so, the government caved in, paid for surgery, but got sent back to her homeland as soon as she recovered.

Mexicans don't dare to cross the border into Canada from the USA anymore.
As soon as they are caught on the border, they get deported back to Mexico, (or their homeland), not back to the US.
Even if they get discovered later, months down the road... deportation is always back to their original home country.