Inordinately Right
You agree but blame the current state of the economy on obama, interesting.Correct
You agree but blame the current state of the economy on obama, interesting.Correct
Care to provide some proof of that statement?Our trade deficit last year was what 700 billion? We are stupid if we allow that to continue
He and I are in agreement. I "blame" the current state of the economy on Obama too!You agree but blame the current state of the economy on obama, interesting.
The real question is why do so called small government conservatives want the government in charge of the economy in the first place.
Actually I said it before and I'll say it again. it is hard to blame presidents for the economy. the economy goes in cycles about every ten years. now you can blame a president for taxes, trade deals, etc., obamacareYou agree but blame the current state of the economy on obama, interesting.
Trump lies constantly about the number of Americans out of work, and he won't be bringing back high paying union jobs.
He is full of. Fact check anything he says...A full 65 percent is false.
there is no free market, a free market is just that. rules and regulations make us a semi free market.Seems to contradict all their "free market" rhetoric too. I find quite often when pushed up against their desired reality, true free market is the last thing they want in economy.
with China it is. check out u.s debt clock.Care to provide some proof of that statement?
I agree there's too many variables. But going off of where we were at the beginning and end of as presidential term seems trivial also. The real effects of most of an administraton's policies won't be felt until years after he's gone.
there is no free market
So a country like Mexico will renegotiate?
China? Why? What's in it for them? And if they do renegotiate, why do you think we'd be significantly better off? I mean the idea sounds good but the array of clauses to be rewritten, negotiated, revised, renegotiated and approved is simply staggering. Trump sold a lot of people on the ease of such a thing but as massive as the Trump empire may be and the agreements it has signed, it is next to nothing compared to what he and you are proposing.
Excellent point. I thought government wasn't here to solve our problems. Apparently, the solution is Team America, World Police for real. That's an 8th grade solution to very complex issues, but that is the level Trump and his followers have the capability to understand.
That's the whole point. we're not competing anymore and are willing to give up. we don't want to fight for the right stuff only stupid stuff. all that money we poured into Iraq could of been poured into herejust because something is difficult does not mean we should not do it.
You have a good union job. Republicans hate unions.
See any issues?
Your Chinese Subsidy is low cost consumer items that are cheap precisely because they are outsourced and off-shored. That also equals a trade deficit.
8th graders don't understand that, but they do understand threatening props and simplistic ideas that won't work in the real world.
It is no longer 1952. That ship has sailed, sunk, and won't be coming back.
we should also have a flat tax or a national sales tax and get rid of the income tax
I agree but they tried the tariff thing for money. it didn't work too well.I prefer the "none of the above" taxes.
Our trade deficit last year was what 700 billion?
Still looking for proof, or are you making stuff up again?Care to provide some proof of that statement?
It means that it would be a decade before it came to fruition.just because something is difficult does not mean we should not do it.