Obama had the lowest GDP ever for a president while spending 9 trillion on failed policies while widening the gap between rich and poor and black and white.
From my own POV, there are many good reasons to rip on Obama, economics being one among many. However in regards to the escalation of the debt, since Reagan, the debt (as opposed the the budget deficit) for each administration goes higher by some fairly big numbers. This results in each administration spending more than is taken in. But one other aspect especially in Obama's case is that Obama was left with the duty of re-inflating the economy because all the "To Big To Fail" firms with their army of lobbyists and lobbyist money convinced Washington that the gov't needed to in-debt more unborn taxpayers so they could spend the money now. Having robbed Washington DC once under Bush and Clinton, why not go back and rob Washington for more? Who doesn't love crony capitalism.
Federal Reserve policy of Quantatitive Easing and suppressing real interest rates have longterm damage, creating more federal debt load being one of them. Another reason the so-called rich got richer is because they got first dibs on the Federal Welfare Checks thanks to the debt load which in a true free market economy would not have happened and the unsustainable would fall away. This is the real costly welfare nobody wants to talk about.
For those who conflate capitalism with real laissez faire, I don't, if your idea of what we have is the capitalism you support, you should be thankful to Obama for actually saving the capitalism you love. But like those such as Professor Wolfe who I would have other disagreements with, I do think he and others are correct that this form of capitalism is dying and the debt load is on method to try and save it to at least kind the can down the road to the next generation. Once it does implode, what replaces it is hard to say at this time. The growing black and gray markets, as a market anarchist these are markets I fully support, who use open source and peer to peer share economy, this has my fascination and interests for the moment.