I’m a FT RPCD now and got the call from feeders this week inviting me to take a road test.
I have my CDL with doubles/triples already, but I got it on a military waiver. I’m gonna be blunt, I suck at a 10 speed. I can drive a standard car, I shift my Harley fine, I'm self taught enough to shift the yard with the standard tractors, but have minimal experience with a standard tractor out on public roads. I explained this to the feeders supervisor and the feeder trainer when they called that I was concerned about running a stick and they both said not to worry about it because we mostly only have automatics.
Fast forward two days later half of the feeders in my small center have been replaced with 10 speeds. I have about a 2/3 chance of taking a standard truck in this test now.
My center manager let me practice in the yard this weekend, and I can run up the gears fine, but really struggling with getting the RPMs right for downshifting. I called one of our feeder drivers and he said he thinks it’s more the truck being old and worn out than it is me not being capable of figuring it out, but that doesn’t help me for this road test.
I have no concerns at all about being able to drive a tractor trailer on the roads, be it long box or doubles set. I’m a drivers trainer teaching new soldiers how to operate tractor trailers for the National Guard now, and have won our truck rodeo every year that I’ve competed in it. I can drive, but can’t shift. I know it’s pathetic but it’s my reality.
Feeders really is my end goal here at UPS, and I’m not feeling great about this chance I finally have. Any suggestions on what I should do? I thought about reaching back out to the feeder department but I don’t want to sink my own ship here by telling them how bad im struggling. I also don’t want to waste anyone’s time by failing the test either. We do have one or two automatic tractors in my center that I could road test in if UPS is willing to train me on the 10 speed. I called my shop steward and he said I should just ask to test in the automatic. He mentioned there might be some kind of language in the master or our supplement that we are supposed to have all automatic tractors anyways, but that doesn’t sound right to me.
Any advice you guys can give would be much appreciated here.