Atheism ON TOPIC

El Correcto

god is dead
More than happy to marry a young adult willing to marry me if I were still single. Assuming she appealed to me.
I'm not going to marry a 14 year old, but I can see where a 14 year old falls for a 18 year old and wants to marry him. With her parents permission, or petitioning a court, depends on the state, she can. What part of that do you not get? I didn't write the laws, take it up with them.
You’re not 18 you dumb bitch.

Now get back to your catfish wife and quit lying to strangers on the internet.
Gee, I don't know, your knees are pretty calloused.
my knees ain’t, but my hands are. Working while you sit on your ass ranting about the gays and 14 year old girls being women because of menstrual cycles.


Well-Known Member
You’re not 18 you dumb bitch.

Now get back to your catfish wife and quit lying to strangers on the internet.

my knees ain’t, but my hands are. Working while you sit on your ass ranting about the gays and 14 year old girls being women because of menstrual cycles.
I said young adult. To me that's 18 or older. And in the Philippines they have absolutely no problem marrying a much older man. If I were single I would go there in a heartbeat.

El Correcto

god is dead
Dude I don’t even mess with guys I can’t meet in a bar for some drinks.

I don’t want to have to invite their parents out to buy him liquor.

You’re a creep.


Well-Known Member
We know what you consider an adult.
And in the majority of states that young woman can get married. And if she married a legal adult of 18-20 that's fine by me. But only after counseling them to wait until they finished school. I find it ironic that guys like you think it's great if teenagers have sex but if the guy in the relationship turns 18 he's suddenly a scumbag. And what you don't get is I don't think teenagers should have sex UNLESS they are married. You want to portray me a certain way but when it comes to sex I'm conservative. People should be married or do without. Would cut down greatly the number of unwanted children and abortions.


Well-Known Member
Normal men don’t think about 14 year olds menstrual cycles and the bare minimum age they can have sex with.
Take it in the context of the thread that was posted in. I merely pointed out that technically if a girl has gone through puberty she's a young woman and it used to be common for 14-16 year olds to get married in the U.S.. And still is in many parts of the world.

El Correcto

god is dead
And in the majority of states that young woman can get married. And if she married a legal adult of 18-20 that's fine by me. But only after counseling them to wait until they finished school. I find it ironic that guys like you think it's great if teenagers have sex but if the guy in the relationship turns 18 he's suddenly a scumbag. And what you don't get is I don't think teenagers should have sex UNLESS they are married. You want to portray me a certain way but when it comes to sex I'm conservative. People should be married or do without. Would cut down greatly the number of unwanted children and abortions.
When it comes to sex you’re a homophobic incel that thinks about 14 year olds menstrual cycles.


Well-Known Member
I mean, guy, come on.

So strange we’re even having this conversation.

14 year old girls aren’t valid marriage or sex material.

But you have a problem with adult gay sex?

I bet if she had sex with a 15 year old you'd say teenagers are going to do it anyways, give them condoms.