Atheism ON TOPIC

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The pedophile priests are going after children.


The Christians are allowing it to happen by covering up the crimes.

This isn’t hard to grasp.
I give up. We’re arguing with a man that thinks it’s ok to have sex with teenage girls. He’s a despicable human, there’s no reasoning with him.


Well-Known Member
The pedophile priests are going after children.


The Christians are allowing it to happen by covering up the crimes.

This isn’t hard to grasp.
The Catholic hierarchy is full of gay priests protecting their own. There's a huge amount of money involved too, not surprising that they tried to cover this up. But wrong on so many levels.


Well-Known Member
I give up. We’re arguing with a man that thinks it’s ok to have sex with teenage girls. He’s a despicable human, there’s no reasoning with him.
You arguing with yourself again? What's despicable is trying to twist words to destroy others. You are the chief practitioner of that here, along with DIDO. So look in the mirror oh great despicable you.

El Correcto

god is dead
The Catholic hierarchy is full of gay priests protecting their own. There's a huge amount of money involved too, not surprising that they tried to cover this up. But wrong on so many levels.
Celibacy is unnatural. Turns out the people who don’t mind officially not being allowed to have sex are the ones who would have to hide their sex life anyways, aka pedos.


Well-Known Member
No it’s “men” like you, pedophiles, who see vulnerability and desperation as a way to feed your depraved sexual needs. Usually in children.
See, trying to put labels on people to destroy them. I've never inappropriately touched a child and have no desire to. But there's a very long list of sexual crimes by gay men masquerading as priests in the Catholic Church. Why are you defending them?


Well-Known Member
I know gays can be pedophiles. I’ve never seen a call for all heterosexuals to lose their ability to teach or be politicians or movie directors or new anchors or whatever else after sexual misconduct or abuse of minors.

This is ridiculous you think targeting gays will end pedophilia.

It's pretty simple without gay priests there would have been no scandel